Baba Lysaga's Suspicious Soup Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Baba Lysaga's Suspicious Soup Cube
Cube ID
Art by Slawomir ManiakArt by Slawomir Maniak
360 Card Cube15 followers
Designed by Night
Mana Pool$1668.70

Draft a hodge podge deck out of all kinds of peculiar Ingrediens. Add some artifacts and enchantments with just a smidgeon of token syerngies and sprinkle some +1+1 counters on top. And voila. You have something. It might even be a deck.

While the ingredients are sprinkled over all colors, allowing for a nice potpourri of leftovers, the main courses are set as follows:

+1+1 Counters (rgw+ NAYA)

Artifacts (ubr+ GRIXIS)

Enchantments (wbg+ ABZAN)

Tokens (bgu+ SULTAI)

Auras/Equipments (urw+ JESKAI)

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