Strixhaven Remastered
(635 Card Cube)
Strixhaven Remastered
Cube ID
Art by Piotr DuraArt by Piotr Dura
635 Card Set Cube43 followers
Designed by CasualRob
Mana Pool$318.25
You've Been Accepted to Strixhaven!

We hope you're excited to join us in the fall! Let's learn a bit more about what we have to offer.


Our Colleges

wb Silverquill College - Sharper Style. Sharper Wit. wb

A low-curving deck that uses combat tricks and fliers to get your opponent dead as quickly as possible. The premier aggro deck of the format.

bg Witherbloom College - Get Your Hands Dirty. bg

A grindy mid-range deck that builds synergies off of sacrificing pest tokens and gaining life.

gu Quandrix College - Math is Magic. gu

A ramp deck that wants to power out giant fractal tokens as quickly as possible.

ur Prismari College - Express Yourself with the Elements. ur

A controlling deck that wants to get to the late game and drop huge haymaker spells.

rw Lorehold College - Leave No Stone Unturned. rw

A controlling deck that wants to grind our opponent out with recursion, late-game value, and graveyard synergies.

Major Changes from Original Strixhaven:

My goal was to improve the power of Lorehold and Witherbloom (generally underperforming archetypes in original STX) without adding cards that also make Silverquill or Temur better. I also removed cards that rarely get played, like the vanilla commons (Spined Karok) and bad limited rares (Ecological Appreciation). I tried sticking to the flavor of Strixhaven as much as possible, using the cards from C21 and MOM based on Arcavios (Pest Infestation, Invasion of Arcavios, Quintorius, Loremaster).

For Lorehold, I leaned into the designer's original vision for the deck (controlling with spirit and graveyard synergies) offering some additional tools, specifically Flashback spells and Disturb creatures at multiple rarities. I also provided a few tools at rare that should make the deck more appealing at Pack 1, Pick 1 (Deafening Clarion and Angelfire Ignition). And these are cards that Silverquill, Prismari, and Quandrix mostly aren't interested in or are MUCH better in Lorehold due to the synergy and restrictive casting costs.

For Witherbloom, I offered additional payoffs and enablers for the life-gain and sacrifice synergies, and offered some fun new build-arounds at rare.

Due to the slightly higher density of uncommons and rares, plus the changes made to the specific archetypes, this should be a slightly higher power version vs. the original retail draft set.

Additions tagged in Brown in the List

Structure of the Cube:

3 copies of every Common
2 copies of every Uncommon
1 copy of every Rare and Mythic
2 copies of most uncommon Mystical Archives (only 1 copy of a few undesirable spells) and 1 of every Rare and Mythic (minus a handful for budget reasons or unplayable in limited)

When building packs:

Shuffle main cube, archives and lesson cards separately. Each pack gets 13 cards, 1 mystical archive (any rarity), and 1 Lesson (any rarity). If you wish to more closely mimic the retail draft environment, you could also shuffle the rarities separately.

Detailed Changes from Original STX:

Commons and Uncommons Cut —------>>> Added

Secret Rendezvous - Beloved Beggar

Detention Vortex - Sacred Fire

Novice Dissector - Bushmeat Poacher

Excavated Wall - Drogskol Infantry

Spined Karok - Vermin Gorger

Ageless Guardian - Trailblazing Historian

Dragon's Approach - Burning Oil

Spell Satchel - Herbology Instructor

Rares Cut —------>>> Added

Rushed Rebirth - Blight Mound

Semester's End - Timeless Dragon

Oriq Loremage - Sproutback Trudge

Verdant Mastery - Willowdusk, Essence Seer

Devastating Mastery - Deafening Clarion

Culmination of Studies - Reinterpret

Fervent Mastery - Angelfire Ignition

Ecological Appreciation - Pest Infestation

Pestilent Cauldron - Trudge Garden

Jadzi, Oracle of Arcavios - Invasion of Arcavios

Double Major - Quintorius, Loremaster

Added Zimone and Dina