“Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come.” Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
Story Tower is narrative experience, designed for 2 to 4 participants. It loosely follows the rise and fall of a society. Participants play the rolls of uneasy colonists, who at first carve out their niche in an alien ecosystem, but later become power hungry enemies. Their technology advances faster than their moral intelligence and in the end, they destroy themselves and the world.
When the first colonists landed on the new planet, it was lush and wild. Forests as far as the eye could see. The few artifacts they brought with them gave them the only ability to sustain themselves, as trees were not useful to them. Just a few white rocks to help them build walls to keep the mushrooms at bay.
“Long ago aliens landed here.” would read the plaque that the descendants of the fungus would make in this spot.
NOTES : The meta is simple here. Build. You almost can’t help but just build. The ‘meta’ or archetype of this section only does a few things. Tiny Thallids and token generators that are effectively nullified by OP walls, and a few powerless white creatures. There is almost no incentive to attack…but a few tricks are included.
which they use to fight among themselves