The 2nd official cube of Stockholm Cube Society.
Get ready for quality drafting, quality cards, and quality magic.

This cube was designed with the goal of fostering high-quality interactive magic, where nothing feels unfair and unfun. Just jund 'em out.
This cube is about:
This goal resulted in this design philosophy:
- No cards that win the game on their own through single cards. Victory through creature combat.
- Reduced ability to ramp across all colors.
- Focus on creature interaction and combat.
- No planeswalkers. At all. Nor any 1-card engines that need no help.
- A couple of draftable engines to make drafting interesting. Including a set of combos, not none good enough for a deck to solely win through them.
- Reduce non-interactive aggro.
- A 360 card cube designed to allow drafts with fewer than 8 players (vintage cube doesn't do that well).
- Power level between legacy and modern.
- Less pronounced archetypes, focusing on card quality. This makes drafting interesting and makes it harder to draft an open lane and dominate.
This resulted in these archetypes:
Humans & Aggro
Flash & Tempo
Aristocrats & Aggro
Ramp & Value
Along with these, there are a set of engines that can span across various colors, including but not limited to: