(540 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Jung ParkArt by Jung Park
540 Card Set Cube2 followers
Designed by Lizsaur
Mana Pool$507.68

Design Philosophy

wu Tempo
Create evasive threats and garner card advantage before finishing the game in the air with Sphinxes.

Gods to look for: Thassa, God of the Sea; Heliod, Sun-Crowned; Reidane, God of the Worthy; Alrund, God of the Cosmos
Tribes to look out for: Sphinxes

ub Mill
Mill your opponents or yourself depending on your draft pool.

Gods to look for: Phenax, God of Deception; The Scarab God; Egon, God of Death
Tribes to look out for: Zombies

br Sacrifice Aggro
Aggresively chip at your opponent's life total before sacrificing creatures for value.

Gods to look for: Erebos, God of the DeadBontu the GlorifiedGod-Eternal BontuErebos, Bleak-Hearted; Birgi, God of Storytelling; Valki, God of Lies
Tribes to look out for: Minotaurs

rg Monsters
Play midrange threats, prioritizing 4-power creatures to trigger Ferocious effects.

Gods to look for: Nylea, God of the HuntHazoret the FerventRhonas the IndomitableGod-Eternal RhonasPurphoros, Bronze-Blooded; Kolvori, God of Kinship

gw Constellation
Play enchantments.

Gods to look for: Heliod, God of the Sun
Tribes to look out for: Cats

wb Aristocrats
Grind your opponents out by sacrificing and recurring small creatures for value.

Gods to look for: Erebos, God of the DeadBontu the GlorifiedGod-Eternal BontuErebos, Bleak-HeartedHeliod, Sun-Crowned; Tergrid, God of Fright
Tribes to look out for: Angels

ur Spells
Maximize on instant speed effects and interaction to draw cards and disrupt your opponent.

Gods to look for: Kefnet the MindfulGod-Eternal Kefnet; Birgi, God of Storytelling; Toralf, God of Fury
Tribes to look out for: Giants

bg Escape
Pair efficient creatures that return themselves from the grave with effects that fill and utilize your graveyard.

Gods to look for: Nylea, Keen-Eyed; Egon, God of Death

rw "Wide-Heroic"
Go wide with creatures and token makers before granting them some extra power to end the game.

Gods to look for: Heliod, God of the SunPurphoros, God of the ForgeOketra the TrueGod-Eternal Oketra; Halvar, God of Battle

gu Ramp
Prioritize early game ramp to play large threats and utilize late-game mana sinks.

Gods to look for: Kefnet the Mindful; Nylea, Keen-Eyed; Thassa, Deep-Dwelling; Cosima, God of the Voyage; Esika, God of the Tree; Kolvori, God of Kinship
Tribes to look out for: Serpents

Eric: gw Cats
Jeff: wb Aggro

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