This is a cube designed to be played in the Star format, a 5-player game where each player represents a color and must be the first to defeat their enemy colors.
There are many variations of Star, but the rules for this cube are as follows:
Before drafting begins, each player is randomly assigned a color in secret.
Each player may draft any card they wish, but their deck cannot contain any basic lands other than the ones represented by their colors (Plains for White, Islands for Blue, Swamps for Black, Mountains for Red, and Forests for Green), so draft wisely.
Once draft is over, players reveal their colors and take their seat in color order: White > Blue > Black > Red > Green.
The players not seated directly next to you at the start of the game are your enemies. (White's enemies are black and red, blue's enemies are red and green, etc.)
You cannot declare attacks against any player that is not your enemy.
First turn player draws during their first draw step.
The game is over when both of a player's enemies lose the game. The player with no enemies left in the game is the winner.
This was an idea that sprung to mind and had to come out. This is a untested cube as of 2/1/2025, so it is only a concept at the moment. Feel free to toy around with it if you feel something doesn't work with it.
v0.2: Got it to a more robust state, it's looks more like what I was hoping for but still needs playtesting. I also added some cards to the maybeboard; I was considering adding a optional 'Librarian' variant where each player is secretly given a random card of each of their enemy colors when they get their own colors. Those extra cards are 'library cards,' treated as Cogwork Librarians for purpose of the draft (if you want to draft an additional card from a pack, swap it out with a library card and declare the card swap to the group before you pass the pack). This may be putting the cart before the horse, but I didn't want to lose the idea.
v0.3: Editing this cube is a hassle on this website. I've been using Archidekt as I'm more comfortable with their deck editor, but exporting it to over here is a pain so I ended up 'deleting' this and reposting it with the changes. If anyone knows a better way, let me know. Many changes, but it's late and I'm tired. I'll put down a proper entry later.