An unpowered non-singleton cube with a strong focus on synergy.
The cube has no real aggro/midrange/control set-up, since there's very little pure aggro support. To compensate, the high-end is of a lower power level than in most cubes and most of the really powerful stuff are low-CMC, allowing aggro-control, midrange and synergistic value decks to beat traditional control decks.
There's a separate shared Contraption deck from which each player assembles contraptions. See the sideboard for the complete list. Between rounds or when that deck is empty, the scrapyard gets shuffled back into the Contraption deck.
To increase the number of possible strategies: a lot of creatures have had their types updated (physically on the cards, as well as in the description here on Cubecobra). Most notably, all Kor have been changed to elves, all treefolk have been changed to elementals, and a lot of creatures (and some non-creatures) have gained the Rebel type.
This cube has some special rules:
- All Faeries count as Elves (but not the other way around)
- All Imps count as Goblins (but not the other way around)
- Separate the cube into colours, with 5 piles of 84 cards of each colour (evenly divide the hybrids cards among the relevant piles) and a pile with the 180 remaining cards.
- Shuffle each of the 5 coloured piles.
- Randomly take 4 cards from each of the 5 coloured piles and shuffle them into the pile with the remaining cards. There should now be 200 cards in that pile.
- Shuffle 40 cards of that pile into each of the coloured piles. There should now be no remaining cards.
- Deal each pack 3 cards from each of the coloured piles.
This ensures a somewhat even distribution of colours within the packs without being deterministic.
Major themes
- Madness/Discard: major theme in black as well as a theme in red and strongly supported in blue.
- General graveyard stuff: mostly in black and to a lesser extent green, involves both reanimation (though at a reasonable cost) and recursion. Plays well with the discard themes.
- Enchantments: strong theme in white and minor theme in green.
- Sneak effects: mostly in red, with a bit of support in green (which also has the most targets), white (which has blink effects), and black (through reanimation).
- Spells matter: theme in both red and blue, though it can easily be combined with black.
- Ramp: mostly creature-based, only available in green, as there is no artifact ramp.
- Control: very strong presence and available in most colour combinations involving either black or blue.
- Instant speed: There's quite a few creatures with flash or ways to play creatures at instant speed, as well as a lot of activated abilities (most notably rebels), which combine well with things like the blue counterspells. There's ways to build UW or UG with most stuff happening at instant speed.
- Lifegain: usually in black and white, combos with a few black cards which require life payments.
- Blink and Self-Bounce: mostly in white, but also in blue and green, works well with sneak attack effects in red and with various creatures in all colours.
Relevant Tribes
- Rebels: recruiters in white, and one of the main themes of white. Cards in all colours have been updated to rebels to support every white colour combination. Very good synergy with counterspells in blue and instant speed stuff in general.
- Elementals: mostly in red and green, though available in all colours. Can be both a midrange tribe as well as a cheat-into-play tribe thanks to big elementals (some of which were updated into elementals) and Incandescent Soulstoke.
- Goblins: almost exclusively in red, play well with sac, anthems, blink, etc.
- Elves: mostly in green, can be either part of a ramp deck or as a go-wide deck.
- Vampires: most in black, can help with going wide with things like Call the Bloodline.
- Wizards: a few tribal cards in blue and red.
Other relevant tribes include Knights, Angels, Spirits, and Contstructs. There are quite a few generic colourless tribal cards and the number of actual creature tribes in the cube has been strongly limited (for example, there are no soldiers, treefolk, vedalkan, giants, golems, hounds, elephants, skeletons, hydras, etc.), which means that any tribe which is available should be somewhat viable.
Minor themes
- Top-of-library: a few cards care about this or set this up in red, green and blue.
- Land-sac: there's a few pay-offs and a few enablers, mostly in green and green/black. Almost exclusively a sub-theme.
- Cycling: can usually be combined with either graveyard strategies or discard strategies.
- Storm: not usually good enough for single-minded storm decks, but can be used in spells decks, big mana decks or just goblin decks.
- Draw second card: this triggers off of cycling, looters, and generic card draw, which makes it quite ubiquitous within the cube.
There's a few very powerful cards included to act as signposts and build-arounds. These include Opposition and Recurring Nightmare and are meant to essentially create strategies by themselves.
Other than that there's quite a few 2-card combos which don't necessarily win the game, but add a lot of value. Some examples:
Sylvan Library + Abundance
Titania, Protector of Argoth + Claw of Gix
Squee, Goblin Nabob + looters/spellshapers
Wirewood Symbiote + Elvish Visionary
Evershrike + Rancor/Angelic Destiny
Split Screen + Future Sight
Haakon, Stromgald Scourge + Nameless Inversion
Non-singleton cards and justifications
- Giver of Runes: one of the more powerful ones. It's here to help both the bigger creatures in white, to help white-based creature decks, and to help protect enchanted creatures. It's also a great extra 1-drop for white.
- The Rebel Searchers: these are necessary for the Rebel strategy to work. A focussed deck requires a critical mass, which means the cube needs a critical mass as well. These also work in non-focussed decks as utility creatures, since most decks have at least a few targets.
- Restoration Angel: one of the best blinkers, angel for the angels deck, flash for the instant speed stuff, this fills so many niches.
- Dog Umbra: works as removal for control, as an enchantment for enchantress, and is great with Rebels and counterspells since it's instant speed. Being an Aura is also great for Kor Spiritdancer.
- Bound in Silence: another Aura, but it's mostly here to turn Rebels into removal spells. Most focussed Rebel decks really want this card.
- Cast Out: flexible, instant-speed, enchantment-based removal with cycling. Ticks so many boxes!
- Astral Drift: blink card which is also an enchantment and which can act as a niche build-around with all the cycling.
- Touch the Spirit Realm: enchantment and blink, easy answer to contraptions.
- Mulldrifter: Mulldrifter is love, Mulldrifter is life. Card draw for blue, it's an Elemental, works great with bounce, blink, graveyard, etc. Multi-deck all-star.
- Force of Will: free spells! Pay-off for centring in blue.
- Brainstorm: helps spells-matter, control, top-of-the-deck matters cards, and in general a useful bit of card selection.
- Preordain/ponder: Blue cantrips, here to provide a critical mass for spells matter decks, blue control decks, etc.
- Counterspell/Memory Lapse: doubled so I don't have to add inferior options to have enough counterspells.
- Frantic Search: great with madness cards, spell-matters stuff, and enchant land ramp effects.
- Fact or Fiction: helps control decks and graveyard decks alike. One of the more fun and skill-testing cards in Magic, which made it win out over other less interesting draw spells.
- Asylum Visitor: One of the better madness cards, needed for critical mass. Being a vampire helps.
- Nightshade Assassin: add to critical mass of rebels, madness cards, and removal.
- Thoughtseize: disruption without having to resort to inferior options, since this is at roughly the right power level.
- Unearth: cycling and value.
- Call the Bloodline: a cornerstone of the madness decks, great with Vampire tribal cards.
- Go for the Throat: best default removal spell.
- Feed the Swarm: A way for black to answer the many enchantments in the cube.
- Young Pyromancer: here to help the spells matter decks, but it making Elementals is also relevant.
- Goblin Rabblemaster: linchpin of Goblin decks, but also great for aggressive and tempo-based red decks.
- Sneak Attack: helps make the sneakyface deck a thing.
- Rift Bolt: I didn't want Lightning Bolt, and love suspend, so here we are. Fun interaction with medium-value storm effects as well.
- Lightning Axe: discard outlet and removal.
- Blast from the Past: one of the most fun cards in Magic, cycling, madness, buyback, flashback and adding a Goblin are all super relevant.
- Fiery Temper//Violent Eruption: Critical mass for Madness and relevant in spells matter.
- Empty the Warrens: great Goblin card which adds a minor storm theme.
- Llanowar Elves: adds a critical mass of 1-mana elves without having to resort to the weird ones, the weaker ones or the more powerful non-elves.
- Wirewood Symbiote: one of the best Elf pay-offs and allows for a lot of different shenanigans, especially with…
- Elvish Visionary: my personal favourite Magic card, works great with other Elves, ramp, self-bounce, blink, Opposition, Recurring Nightmare, sacrifice, and so on.
- Devoted Druid: the most interesting of the 2-mana ramp elves, has a lot of fun little synergies.
- Rancor: helps reach the critical mass of 1-drop enchantments, also great in aggro and Evershrike strategies.
- Life from the Loam: one of the more playable dredge cards, great with the cycling lands.
- Return to Nature: a flexible answer card for green, deals with contraptions, enchantments, and graveyard shenanigans.
- Lore Seeker: fun drafts-matter card.
- Deal Broker: not just a draft-matters card, but also playable in madness decks. Great signal card for the Madness drafter.
- Cogwork Librarian: makes sure the a player doesn’t miss out on too many important cards when they’re all in the same pack, adds a lot of fun to drafting.
- Ash Barrens: fixing, cycling helps some decks.
- Fabled Passage and Prismatic Vista: fixing, land-sac
- Mana Confluence: allows for enough fast mana for faster decks.
- Cycling duals: fixing, cycling helps some decks and especially drawing a card helps.