A Rusty Box o' Goblins
(411 Card Cube)
A Rusty Box o' Goblins
Art by Svetlin VelinovArt by Svetlin Velinov
IN A WORLD,of odd, obscure, old cards,many "bad" cards,and a few hidden gems...

STRATEGIES will be cobbled together DESPERATELY...
nevertheless, YOU will ALL be COVERED in GOBLINS!

"Mission Statement" cards:

quick draft guide:
  • Creatures are scrappy!
    • 73% of them have 2 toughness or less.
    • 70% of them have 2 power or less.
  • Kindred/typal synergies are light.
    • It would be tough to make a solely "elf deck", but one can go heavy on elves+beasts, or elves+goblins, and find a few payoffs sprinkled around.
  • Domain is supported in Naya, Bant, and Temur.
  • Mono-b is an easy, uncomplicated deck to draft and play.
  • Mono-r requires a bit more creativity! There are very few bombs, but you can build kooky rube goldberg machines with enchantments and goblins.
  • Most of the removal is sorcery speed or combat-based.
  • Every color has high-impact enchantments.


Impress your friends! Surprise your enemies!

Last year's version of the cube had a much wider power band; peep it here if you desire:

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