Spectrum [Draft/Jumpstart]
Spectrum [Draft/Jumpstart]
Cube ID
Art by Greg StaplesArt by Greg Staples
360 Card Pauper Cube102 followersDesigned by LongnapsRSSQR CodeView in Cube Map

Summon horrors from your graveyard, equip powerful artifacts and loot your way to madness!

SPECTRUM melds unusual archetypes and focuses on synergy. It looks to push pauper's boundaries in regards of synergetic deckbuilding and efficient/value-oriented gameplay.


Discard / Madness
u - b - r - (g)
Graveyard / Threshold
b - g - u
Artifact / Metalcraft
w - u - r - (b)

Smaller synergies:
Enchantments. w - g
Prowess w - u - r
Equipment w - r
Artifact Creatures w - u

Full archetype overview further below!


🎥'Elevator Pitch' Showcase

🎥Drafting Affinity w/ commentary

🎥Drafting Madness + Reanimator w/ commentary


Ultimate Pauper - the 'Greatest Hits' of my pauper cube design


  • reward synergistic deck-building (no 'good-stuff' decks)
  • meld archetypes that don't normally go together (less parasitic)
  • support value oriented 'legacy-lite' gameplay
  • offer enough tricks/instants to keep combat interesting
  • retain a learning curve with a low floor and a high ceiling
  • support two player gameplay (Jumpstart, Sealed or Winston draft)
  • No infinite combos or locks

Jumpstart boosters available. Primary sort by tags or use this link to view them.

To assemble Jumpstart boosters, primary sort the list by tags, organize the boosters as shown and add basic lands until you have 20-card boosters.
I recommend choosing 1 of 3 boosters and then another 1 of 3 others.
Shuffle the two chosen boosters together and start playing.

Cube Statsout of 10
Start difficulty3
Skill cealing6
Archetypes In-Depth


wub Affinity / Metalcraft
Collect tokens and other cheap artifacts in great numbers to play expensive spells a lot cheaper and buff your creatures.

rb Sacrifice
Sacrifice small artifacts for direct damage or card advantage. Also benefits from having lots of artifact generation.

wr Equipment
Make your creature the biggest in the board by equipping them. Lots of creatures get extra benefits from being equipped.

wu Artifact Creatures / Modular
Attack with an onslaught of artifact creature that protect each other of buff others when leaving the battlefield. A sub-archetype that blends well with other artifact synergies.

Madness / Discard

br(g) Creature Madness / Homemade Flash
Playing creatures with madness let's you cast them at any point, even in your opponents combat or end step and in most cases for less mana.

Free discard outlets are a premium for these decks - even more so if they are creatures themselves.

ur Spell-Based Madness
Cast your spells for cheap and easily refuel your hand alongside prowess to outvalue your opponent and keep tricks up your sleeve with instant-speed discard outlets.

ub(r) Discard Matters
Gain extra value out of discarding cards to outgrind your opponent with seemingly infinite draws and a plethora of removal.

Graveyard Matters / Threshold

bg Threshold Beats
Once you have a certain amount of cards or card-types in the yard, your creatures grow to outsize your opponent. At best, those creature even dump some in the yard themselves.

ubg Delve Value
Cards that mill give card-selection or -advantage and delve cards let you play powerful spells on the cheap. It's a balancing act combining these payoffs with threshold.

ubg Second Chances
Once you have milled cards into the yard, not all of them are fodder for your treasure cruise. Some are cheaper when unearthed or can be played an infinite amount of times if you can exile other cards in their stead.

wb Sneaky Reanimator
While not really supported enough to be a full archetype, you can make this deck happen when you see the two ingredients table in the first two packs. You can mill or discard your targets without anyone batting an eye and surprise them on turn four with a 10/10.


wg Aura Aggro
You can build bogles on of two ways and as a mix of the two: aggro or value-grind.
Regarding the first: cheap creatures are your bottleneck. After that, I'd focus on aura-based removal and recurrable auras.

wg Resistant Auras
If you want to offset the two-for-one nature your enchanted creatures pose and be able to go long, opt for more value oriented, although slower options.

Glue archetype: ur Prowess

Since you are casting a lot of noncreature spells in most archetypes, you can lean a bit more into it and run a couple of payoff creatures as efficient threats.

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