Soskube: the Second Hand
(420 Card Cube)
Soskube: the Second Hand
Cube ID
Art by 徐晓鸣Art by 徐晓鸣
420 Card Cube7 followers
Designed by soskube
Mana Pool$4520.95
Non-traditional Rules
  • This list breaks singleton for fetches, shocklands, and for a small number of cards that need redundancy without having comparable alternatives
  • Booster Tutor uses 15 card packs randomly dealt from the undrafted cards

This is my 2022 redo of Soskube to focus more on the graveyard. My goal is to have the graveyard be a resource in addition to mana and cards. As the overview art suggests, I want Recurring Nightmare to be the flagship card of the cube, so power is the secondary goal. This cube focuses on approximately the 90th percentile of power level. To keep white a viable color, I've decided to make the graveyard a prominent but not dominant aspect of the game. Until white gets more Sevinne's Reclamation type cards, it won't be as graveyard focused as the other colors. As a result, white helps support the graveyard indirectly through land and artifact synergies (think delerium!) and complements the graveyard theme with exile removal.

Graveyard Answers

I want to treat graveyard answers like hand or board removal, so I'm ignoring the most hateful graveyard answers (No Rest in Peace, no Scavenging Ooze, no Relic of Progenitus). Typically anything that can exile many cards from the graveyard in a single turn at a low cost is going to be too hateful for me. Scrabbling Claws is the measuring stick I use to gauge other graveyard answers.

Proxy Status

Any cards marked as proxies are cards I am interested in trading for

Color Themes

I've tried to spread major themes across 3+ colors. These themes are meant to provide inspiration but not be on-rails archetypes. Other colors may supplement these themes, and there are more themes and interactions to be discovered within

  • wgr Lands
  • bug Self mill
  • wur Artifacts matter
  • rbwg Creature Aristocrat
  • bwu Reanimation
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