This is a 180 card non-singleton minicube designed for a pod of 4 drafters. 3 15-card packs each. One rare is seeded in each pack. 40 card decks. 20 life. Players are given their choice of 7 M19 dual lands after drafting. 3-color decks recommended.
This cube's focus is on smooth drafting and gameplay that allow all levels of players to both find lines during drafts and play tightly synergistic decks. This is achieved by ensuring all signposts that share a color play well together with open-ended strategies, and by having every mono-colored card be good in every deck that runs that color. Giving players their dual lands after the draft helps players combine signposts as late as pack 3 without worrying about mana fixing. The card complexity may be a bit high, but the overall cube complexity is low thanks to its smaller card pool.
Each 2-color pair has a clearly defined playstyle listed below, however with creativity and color splashing players will find many other ways to build decks thanks to this cube's modular design. Mix and match signposts and see what you can come up with!
Rakdos: ARTIFACT AFFINITY AGGRO- Fill your board with artifacts to turbocharge your Cranial Ram and swing for some big damage.
180 cards total:
20 Signposts (1 card per color pair, 2x each)
20 Lords (1 card per color pair, 2x each)
20 Removal (2 cards per color, 2x each spot removal and special removal)
25 Draw (2 cards per color, 2x each cantrip draw, 3x each refill draw)
12 Rares (1 seeded per draft pack, 1 for each 2-color pair, 2 colorless)
8 Colorless (3 cards, 3x 3x 2x each)
75 Curve Cards (5 cards per color, 3x each)
?? Sideboard of tokens and M19 dual lands
3-color Organizational Guide (outdated):
Sultai: Self Mill
Abzan: Grindy Midrange
Naya: Aura Value
Bant: Wide Enchantments
Mardu: Go wide spamfest
Jeskai: Go wide spellslinger
Grixis: Wide spellslinger
Temur: Adventure
Esper: Wide Artifacts
Jund: Treasure Stompy
What each color wants to do:
White: Artifact/equipment, enchantment/aura, wide token gen
Blue: Artifact/equipment, enchantments/auras, noncreature spells, adventures
Black: Equipment/artifact, aristocrat, token gen, mill
Red: Wide Artifact/creature, power 4, instant/sorcery
Green: Power 4, Auras/equipment, mill, adventures
Changelog/Possible Changes:
-Went from 5 lands to 7 given to allow for greedier 4-color decks and later color spashing
-Change Your Temple is Under Attack to a different card draw (Shelter?) to allow for 2-player games. same with Pick your Poison and Mahadi.
-Maybe change the rares to mono colored good stuff to make them more playable
-Find a rare with plot to make Doc feel less missleading
-Dimir voltron with lifelink might be unfun
-Karn might get skipped or cut too often
-Blue might have too much removal
-Falkenrath Celebrant lacks synergy with half of the red decks (bad for 5 mana)