Pauper 'Block' Cube

Cube ID
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen

543 Card Set Cube

Designed by PuermeusRSSQR Code

View in Cube Map



No longer receiving regular updates.

This cube originally posed the question "What would a Pauper 'set' look like?" while still maintaining that cube feel. Over time it has grown away from this question and feels more like a self-contained draft set. From turn 4-6 aggressive decks to control decks trying to deck their opponent, this cube manages to capture that pauper feeling.

There are 255 unique cards. Each has been assigned a rarity which determines the number of them available during a draft and makes scaling up or down easy.


For an 8 person draft:
m - 1
r - 1
un - 2
c - 3

For a 4-person draft: I recommend using the rarity distribution for an 8-player draft and drafting 5 packs of 9 cards.


  • Green ramp and/or control were oppressively powerful and the cube has actively been curated away from these archetypes
  • All cards with Learn do not have access to a wish board
  • Most cards will have equivalent power/toughness or will have greater power/toughness so that board stalls are less common and agro doesn't get immediately walled. This rule gets broken for a few specific role players
  • While there are several archetypes that have been intentionally curated into the cube, drafters frequently discover their own themes within the environment due to the high level of overlapping synergies; so keep an open mind when drafting and discover something new!

Current Intended Archetypes:

W - Token's & Midrangey Weenies
U - Tempo
B - Control & Sac
R - Burn and Tokens
G - Stompy
WU - Flying Tempo & Control
WB - Controlling Midrange
WR - Tokens & Bully
WG - Boggles & Tokens
UB - Recursive Control
UR - Counter Burn & Instants and Sorcery Matter
UG - Tempo Stompy & 4 CMC Matter
BR - Disruptive Aristocrats & RB Rock
BG - Squirrel rock
RG - Storm & Tokens