sharzad 2022
(502 Card Cube)
sharzad 2022
Cube ID
Art by LackArt by Lack
502 Card Legacy+ Cube8 followers
Designed by safra

duals + fetches go to land box. some really cool lands stay in cube. wastelands leave the cube. some interesting custom fixing lands enter the cube.

size decreases as close to 360 as possible.

curves go down again. almost nothing at 5+.

more customs at cmc 2 and 3, much more density of my custom themes like dragons and the more open colour pie

i think the eldrazi have to go so it can be 360. in their place, it's finally time for Initiative to be the sol land stompy deck. it was a fun era but eldrazi wasn't actually the solve on City of Traitors / Ancient Tomb stompy, and my cube should reflect legacy's development.

probably i go to CubeArtisan if custom card density go up

more soup. splashing is fun! but fewer big game-enabling fixing objects like Astrolabe, more small-game ones like Petal or the fun Moxes
-> probably some CDE mana costs. all five BCDE's? three of them?
-> between 3 and 7 CD cards per two-colour pair i guess?
-> none of this strictly balanced

hard counters stay in blue. white gets soft counters and red gets weird counters. green gets hexproof and free spells and black has rituals and red has storm and EVERYONE has card advantage and card selection and MOST COLOURS can brainstorm

decreased emphasis on t:human, no 'human tribal', increased emphasis on a batching mechanic I'll have to invent that glues together the emotionally resonant tribes (dragons, angels, elementals(new!))

a couple of 2-ofs per colour. fewer than currently at 500, obvi, but also I'll have more depth from customs.

red damage now does 3 at base and 4 at premium, up from 2 at base and 4 at premium. why was I so scared of Lightning Bolt? very strange.

might have to cut talismans : ( the foils are so pretty. will try to keep them in.

more adventure dragons with dragon charms. Jade Dragon is ideal but more like this are called for

tutors are one step lower in power level than the rest of the format

storm kills with tendrils/empty/dragonstorm and the engines are cantrip-ritual/underworld breach/draw-7's (a red draw-7-shuffle-yard-and-deck design would be nice)/ more broken stuff from the lists i respect and want to crib from

dragonstorm is REAL. this is mandatory

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