Edit of Louis' cube
Unpowered, but nonetheless powerful mtg cards from all over mtg. Inspired by Drruler's Cube from solely singleton but with some of
my own spice.
Some Themes I kept in mind while designing the cube:
Mono white aggro:
Everyone knows it. Curve. smash face. Finish with Armageddon or Planeswalkers. I also added a small human sub theme by running Champion of the parish, Thalia's Lieutenant.
Mono red aggro:
Everyone knows it. Curve. Smash face. Finish with Burn.
These two are the only hyper-aggro and thus mono-colored decks in the cube.
(Yes I know Mono green ramp is a thing. It mostly splashes another color for interaction though.)
Green/X Superramp:
Ramp to Oblivion and splash what you want. Anything is possible, but is it good?
Below I will go through each guild and sumarise what they try to do. Of course generic Midrange and Control decks are always possible in their traditional color pairs.
In Azorius control you play planeswalkers, boardwipes, draw, removal and counterspells.
In Azorius Tempo you play creatures that set your opponent back (Vendillion Clique, Exclusion Mage) and soft counters (Remand, Miscalculation). There's also a splash of Blink synergy (Soulherder, Ephemerate, Flickerwisp, Restoration Angel) are possible. Remember that blink synergy is not necessary for the tempo deck to work. Also there isn't a high enough density of blink cards to run a deck that only wants to blink creatures and do nothing else.
Reanimator is a deck. Pick Reanimate variants, fatties (Griselbrand, Gravetitan, Elesh Norn, etc.) and some discard outlets. Splash Red for more discard options (Dack Fayden, Faithless Looting).
Dimir control (see Azorious control)
Dimir tempo has a spicy Ninja twist to it (Mist-syndicate naga,
Ninja of the deep hours, Fallen shinobi, Ingenious infiltrator, Yuriko, the Tiger's shadow). Like Blink is isn't necessary to play ninjas to have a functioning tempo deck.
Aristocrats/Sacrifice decks play Blood Artists, Bloodsoaked Champion and other reccurable creatures and Sac outlets. In the Sac deck you can also splash White for Cartel Aristocrat and Cruel Celebrant.
Stompy Midrange is a thing. Go t1 Llanowar Elves into t2 [Goblin Rabblemaster]] and watch your opponents concede. Also if you can assemble Wrenn and Six, Crucible of Worlds, Ramunap Excavator, Strip Mine and Wasteland in the same deck you're in for a ride.
Less aggressive Midrange than Gruul but you get better Planeswalkers. Please don't play Wrath of God in Midrange.
There is also the Persist/Devoted Druid combo deck possible in these colours (Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Vizier of Remedies, Devoted Druid, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, Woodfall Primus, Good-Fortune Unicorn, Kitchen Finks, Metallic Mimic). Black or Red can also be splashed for getting access to Murderous Redcap and good Sac outlets like Goblin Bombradment, Woe Strider and Cartel Aristocrat. Play tutor like Survival of the fittest, Fauna Shaman, Finale of devastation, Recruiter of the guard to find your combo creatures.
Aristocrat/Sacrifice deck. Splash for the Mardu aristocrats. See Rakdos
It's Izzet so there's a Spells Matter theme of course. Pick cheap spells and Young Pyromancer, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer, Murmuring Mystic and Prowess ceartures. Splash White for Monastery Mentor and Calrion Spirit. This deck can either be the slow and control heavy version or the fast tempo version. Depends on curve and how proactive reactive your deck is. Play Kiki-Jiki, the mirror breaker/Splinter Twin combo as a Win-Con if you can but it's not necessary for the deck to work.
There's also the Wildfire deck.
Play Wildfire, Burning of Xinye and Upheaval. Pair that with mana rocks and planeswalkers and you're good to go. This deck usually Splashes heavily due to the fact that you will play a lot of signets (artifact fix) anyway. If you pick up some lands you can easily Splash for all the planeswalkers you can pick up.
Play the classic Golgari Midrange thing. Splash Blue for Sultai or Red for Jund.
You can be a graveyard centric deck by drafting Recurring Nightmare and Survival of the Fittest synergies.
Go for aggro or control. For the control version it's best to splash for Jeskai.
Simic has become quite deep. You can do the super ramp thing. There's the Opposition deck. A tempo strategy, where you idealy play Llanowar elves into an early Opposition to lock the opponent out of the game by tapping down their lands every turn. Counterspells and flash creatures pair generally good as well.