Welcome to the Classic Cube with original old-border cards!
The philosophy of the cube is simple:
The size of the cube is 300 cards to support a six players pod with some variance. In order to have smooth mana curves and consistent archetypes, the cube is not singleton.
Archetypes breakdown and key cards:
Control the board with counterspells and removal, then drop bombs like Exalted Angel, Morphling or Radiant, Archangel.
Fill the graveyard with Putrid Imp or Buried Alive, then reanimate big threats like Visara the Dreadful.
Red Death
Play efficient creatures like Sedge Troll backed by burn spells, and grind the game with Oath of Ghouls.
Lead with Birds of paradise, cast Fires of Yavimaya, followed by an hasted Flametongue Kavu.
Gain card advantage with Enchantress Presence, and drop a gigantic Yavimaya Enchantress powered by an Ancestral Mask.
Deadguy Ale
Use the best removal suite to control the board, while efficient creatures like Spectral Lynx swing for damage.
Drop some of the most dominant creatures of their times, like Ravenous Baloth and Spiritmonger. Clear your opponent’s board with Pernicious Deed.
Ramp early, and delay your opponent’s game plan with bounce spells and Mystic Snake. Drop fatties like Silvos, Rogue Elemental to seal the game.
Ignore the blockers and use flyers, Fireslinger and Razorfin Hunter to go for the dome. Draw cards with Curiosity and control the board with Sigil of Sleep.
PT Jank
Swarm the board with aggressive creatures like Savannah Lions and Jackal Pup, and clear their path with burn spells.