This is a cube designed for very new players.
The goal of this cube is to introduce new players to the concept of Draft and Cubes as well as give some initial insights to what each color and each color pair can do.
This is my first cube so I am not entirely sure if it meets these specifications but the goal is for this to be a 2 on the Strix Scale. A very low powered cube, similar to a standard draft set but without any chaff cards or insane bombs. Every card in this cube is playable although none are outstanding.
I call this cube Peasant+ because although there are several rares in the set, most of them are of similar power level to uncommons.
Like a typical core set, each color pairing focuses on a simple, loose theme which is shown by the gold cards:
Azorious: Fliers
Dimir: Control
Rakdos: Sacrifice
Gruul: Stompy
Selesnya: +1/+1 Counters
Orzhov: Lifegain
Izzet: Spells
Golgari: Graveyard
Boros: Aggro
Simic: Ramp