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Cadence Premodern Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Cadence Premodern Cube
Cube ID
Art by Richard Kane FergusonArt by Richard Kane Ferguson
360 Card Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by CadenceStP
Mana Pool$3326.40

Attempting to create a Premodern/Middle School Era Cube.

Creature Removal Goal (includes wipes): 1.7
Actual: 57 single target, 23 wipes, 80. 80/540=.0.148. ASFAN: 2.22
Likely need to reduce to 61 mostly removed single target (Remove 19 approximate spells)

Artifact/Enchantment Removal Goal (includes wipes): ??
Actual: 26/540=0.04814. ASFAN 0.722

Board Wipes Goal:??
Actual: 15 creature only, 8 total wipes, 23. 23/510=0.0426. ASFAN 0.6388

Counterspells: 19

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