Modern Cube - no ban list

Cube ID
Art by Yongjae ChoiArt by Yongjae Choi

357 Card Modern Cube

1 follower
Designed by runelarsenRSSQR Code

View in Cube Map


# Context

My cube is played with my local playgroup. We don’t play more than 1-2 times each quarter. Often the cube will be updated with smaller or larger changes each time we meet. The general level of the players is seasoned with some less experienced as the playgroup is casual. I want aggro, midrange and control to be viable. Even though aggro has generally under performed. The mono colors and guilds are straight forward and play out how they normally would in most cubes.

# Restrictions

Modern – but without the ban list!
Size was chosen to be 360 as we are never exceed 8 players drafting and I like the cube design choices you need to handle due to the size-restriction. The cube adhere to the singleton format with the exception that I play around with two of each shocklands. These could come out when the triomere cycle is complete. I have chosen to have 4 lands for each guild color as the cube is fairly heavy in the gold section. The signets and talismans gave too much ramp to other colors than green and removing them freed up room for other cards.

# Power

All cards in the modern format (no ban list!) are allowed. I had to deselect some cards that were truly warping cards. I’m looking at you Jitte and Skullclamp. You could call this a modern powered cube.

# Gameplay

I want interactive matches so combo, storm and cheating fatties into play are not present in the cube. It’s fair Magic even if some cards are much more powerful than others. Two color decks and some three color decks is the general way to draft this cube. The games should swing back and forth with a lot of interaction. Action and reaction towards you opponent is what I try to achieve. Cards should be drafted that will follow the gameplay your deck would want to play out. There is a balanced number of planeswalker to make them feel special: 3 planeswalker per color. The cube is directed towards a creature centric play; 50-55% cards are creatures or make creatures as this is the type of Magic I and my playgroup prefer.