Multiplayer Free For All
(360 Card Cube)
Multiplayer Free For All
Cube ID
Art by Kev WalkerArt by Kev Walker
360 Card Cube7 followers
Designed by scribnibs
Mana Pool$915.33

Welcome to the Multiplayer Free For All cube!

The design goal is to embrace the politics and chaos of multiplayer free for all. Players should enjoy leaning into the table-talk. Combat should be rewarded. Games should progress at a satisfying pace. Decks are commonly three colors with abundant fixing.

monarch, voting, court cycles, myriad, goad, dethrone, parley, vow cycle, impetus cycle, offering cycle, hunted cycle, melee, extort, equipment/auras matter, group draw, tokens matter, +1/+1 counters.

The two "Court" cycles are the back bone of this cube, informing the overall power level and what each color might want to be doing.

Take the crown


On-the-table deterrents

Goad and Vow Auras

Equipment & Auras matter

Group Draw

2nd Draw




Graveyard Recursion

Attack triggers

+1/+1 Counters

Flicker & Myriad ETB triggers

And many more fun card interactions. Thank you for checking out the cube!

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