Rocky Mountain Yeti Premodern Kitchen Table Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Rocky Mountain Yeti Premodern Kitchen Table Cube
Cube ID
Art by Ron SpencerArt by Ron Spencer
360 Card Unpowered Premodern Cube30 followers
Designed by classicink
Mana Pool$4367.71
Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Yeti Premodern Kitchen Table Cube!

For those of us that played Magic in the 90's, this was a special time. The game was still developing and fundamentals that we take for granted today, like complete cycles of fixing and enemy color pairs having the same representation as allied color pairs just didn't exist...

The Premodern Kitchen Table Cube is designed to be drafted for one on one play. The environment varies in speed but encapsulates the feeling of the game circa 1998. It is a singleton cube and contains many of the powerful cards from the era but is not designed to be power maxed. As the name implies, these games are meant to feel like the kitchen table battles that you would have with your friends over summer vacation and is focused on the fundamentals like combat and interaction. Tribal support is present across select colors and conform to prototypical identities. There are combos in the cube but mechanics like storm and instant win plays are not represented.

The cube is also modular and there are two constructed modules to offer additional variance:

4th Edition

Each module contains 45 cards and can either be subbed in for existing cards or added to accommodate more players.

Cube Breakdown

Here’s a quick breakdown of the color identities and archetypes:

White w: Efficient creatures, enchantments, and control spells.
Tribal Support: Shadow Creatures, Soldiers, Clerics

Blue u: Card draw, counterspells, and tempo plays.
Tribal Support: No direct tribal synergies aside from creatures that are either evasive or have control based abilities.

Black b: Discard, removal, and reanimation.
Tribal Support: Shadow Creatures, Zombies, Big Beaters

Red r: Aggressive creatures, burn spells, and land destruction.
Tribal Support: Goblins. Lots of Goblins!

Green g: Ramp, beatdown, and combat tricks.
Tribal Support: Elves

Key Archetypes

White Weenie - AGGRO
Focus: Aggressive, low-cost creatures and disruptive spells.
Key Cards: Soltari Foot-Soldier, Mother of Runes, Swords to Plowshares

Blue Control - CONTROL/COMBO
Focus: Card advantage, counterspells, and tempo.
Key Cards: Counterspell, Frantic Search, Man-o'-War

Black Reanimator - MIDRANGE/COMBO
Focus: Discard outlets, reanimation spells, and powerful creatures.
Key Cards: Reanimate, Duress, Scion of Darkness

Red Burn - AGGRO
Focus: Direct damage and aggressive creatures (goblins).
Key Cards: Lightning Bolt, Fireblast, Goblin Patrol

Green Ramp - MIDRANGE
Focus: Mana ramping, large creatures, and combat tricks.
Key Cards: Rofellos, Overrun, Llanowar Emissary, Silvos, Rogue Elemental

Multicolor Strategies

White/Blue Control wu: Counterspells, board wipes, and card advantage.
Key Cards: Absorb, Humility, Kjeldoran Outpost

Black/Red Aggro br: Fast, aggressive creatures and disruption.
Key Cards: Carnophage, Terminate, Dark Ritual

Green/White Enchantress wg: Enchantment-based strategies with creature support.
Key Cards: Argothian Enchantress, Mirari's Wake, Survival of the Fittest

Blue/Black Control ub: Hand disruption, counterspells, and card advantage.
Key Cards: Lim-Dul's Vault, Phyrexian Arena, Shadowmage Infiltrator

Red/Green Aggro rg: Efficient creatures and burn spells for a fast-paced game.
Key Cards: Grim Lavamancer, Fires of Yavimaya, Flametongue Kavu

White/Black Midrange wb: Disruption, efficient creatures, and life gain.
Key Cards: Vindicate, Gerrard's Verdict, Eternal Dragon

Blue/Red Tempo ur: Cheap spells and creatures to control the tempo of the game.
Key Cards: Firebolt, Quicksilver Dagger, Horshoe Crab

Black/Green Recursion bg: Graveyard interactions and powerful creatures.
Key Cards: Pernicious Deed, Spiritmonger, Living Death

White/Red Aggro wr: Fast creatures and burn spells to overwhelm opponents.
Key Cards: Shock, Goblin Legionnaire, Whipcorder

Blue/Green Ramp ug: Mana acceleration and big, powerful spells.
Key Cards: Palinchron, Winter Blast, Treachery

Combo Support wubrg: Combos exist across all five colors.
Key Cards: Horseshoe Crab + Quicksilver Dagger, Verduran Enchantress + Rancor, Limited Resources + Parallax Tide, Greed + Ivory Tower, Forgotten Ancient + Tetravus / Triskelion, Voldalian Illusionist + Zirilan of the Claw, Voltaic Key + Phyrexian Colossus, Donate + Illusions of Grandeur

Artifacts and Lands

Artifacts: Utility artifacts and mana rocks.
Key Cards: Masticore, Mind Stone, Mirage Diamonds.

Lands: Includes iconic lands and dual lands to support multicolor decks. There are two sets of dual lands and custom enemy color pair fetch lands from the mirage set.
Key Cards: Wasteland, City of Brass, Gaea's Cradle, Fetchlands (Enemy + Allied)

Modular Support

This cube is designed to be modular and the maybeboard contains the modules that can be added to a given draft to increase variance. The first module is a sliver module that contains all of the premodern sliver cards plus other five color strategies to support this build. These modules are designed to be "one off" draft options as they can create an on rails experience if kept as a regular part of the core cube.


The Premodern Cube Kitchen Table Cube provides a diverse and nostalgic drafting experience celebrating the best of Magic's early years. Whether you're reliving past glories or exploring this era for the first time, this cube offers a deep and engaging gameplay experience.

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