This is a 93/94 old school ante cube. It is singleton and powered but does not have all of the most popular cards from the old school format (ex. Serendib Efreet). Each game is played for ante. The rules are detailed below.
All of the ante cards printed in old school are available to draft. Before each game starts, each player puts one random card from their deck (the top card) into the ante zone after determining which player goes first but before players draw any cards. Cards in the ante zone may be examined by any player at any time. At the end of the game, the winner becomes the owner of all the cards in the ante zone. Players MUST add all cards won by ante into their deck immediately after the game ends. If a player loses lands to ante, they CANNOT be replaced between games or matches.
Once the draft is completed, each player receives a single copy of Jeweled Bird to add to their deck and this card has the additional ability:
: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.
The player with the most copies of Jeweled Bird at the end of the cube session gets to sign their copy with their record and the date. This brings the number of cards in each deck to 41 after the draft is complete. Cards can be added from your sideboard to your deck between games and matches but lands CANNOT be added from the land station.