Rarity Shift V2.0
(640 Card Cube)
Rarity Shift V2.0
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
640 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by IgnitedxSoul
Mana Pool$915.74

The rarity shift cube is a cube designed to simulate a pack draft experience with uncommon and rare cards included at higher frequencies.
The cube is singleton.

House Rule: Rogues and ninjas are treated as the same creature type.

Packs Include:
7 Common
5 Uncommon
3 Rare / Mythic Rares (Interchangeable)
1 Nonbasic Land

Draft Archetypes:
UR - Artifacts
UB - Ninjas / Rogues
WG - Go-wide Tokens
RW - Equipment
BG - Graveyard Shenanigans
GR - Crucible Of Worlds + Wrenn And Six
UG - +1/+1 Counters Tempo
BW - Lifegain
RB - Burn Artistocrats (Aggro)
UW - Flicker
5C - "Build Your Own Tribal" With Shapeshifters / Changelings.
5C - Light Artifacts Theme.

Note: The cube started out as a budget cube and is in the process of being upgraded. any tips on changes / upgrades that could be made are greatly appreciated.

Design Philosophies:

  • Aiming for strix scale between 4 and 5.
IgnitedxSoul posted to Rarity Shift V2.0 -

Cube Updated – Automatic Post

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