Modern Format.
The card pool is maintained and updated to align with the WotC banlist.
Consistent and powerful decks can be built to embrace a variety of Modern strategies, whether in Draft or Sealed environments.
Tribal, Devotional, and classic MtG archetypes exist across all five colors. Traditional color identities, attendant abilities, and resulting synergies are emphasized as well.
Snow Basics are provided for the land base [i.e. do not require Draft Picks].
Every color has at the least a small synergy or powerful card resulting from the Snow sub-theme. "Snow Matters" cards also hint at other strategies that have been built into a given color. An example of this is Reidane, God of the Worthy; in White-based decks, Death and Taxes is one of several viable strategies, and this card only works within that archetype given Snow Basics being used in the Cube.
The card pool rewards focus on efficient, interactive, synergistic, and lean 1-2 color decks with light splash possibilities. This is emphasized in both card selection, as well as with the deliberately even distribution of Lands, Mono Colored cards, and Gold cards. Artifacts/Colorless cards are intentionally kept utilitarian and at a lower power bandwidth to mitigate overpowered Ramp or 3-5 Color "good stuff" strategies.
Modern is my favorite format. There are a variety of reasons for this, but in primacy it is because of its capacity for power, efficiency, variety, and spice. Conceptually, the goal for this Cube is to foster an environment that leans into the format's inherent power and efficiency [e.g. Fetchlands, staples like Snapcaster Mage, Lightning Bolt, etc.] while providing opportunities for variety and spice [e.g. snow constraint/synergy, mindful color allocation, etc.].
In paper, the Cube is built as here detailed: rife with alternate art, original cards, promotional editions, rare printings, and foils. In so doing, I hope to foster feelings of wonder, surprise, and delight for folks as they are cracking these packs.