Funnier 2
(358 Card Cube)
Funnier 2
Cube ID
Art by Mike BurnsArt by Mike Burns
358 Card Unpowered Silver-bordered Vintage Cube4 followers
Designed by Vilfgaar
Mana Pool$688.95

Un-Set inspired Cube meant for free-for-all multiplayer games. It consists of ten three-color archetypes, each weirder than the previous.

Important Tags:
"hug" - Bant Hug
"vote" - Esper Democracy
"miracle" - Grixis Miracle
"roll" - Jund Dice Roll
"counter" - Naya Counters
"augment" - Abzan Augment
"gift" - Jeskai Gift
"grave" - Sultai Reanimator
"screw" - Mardu Dictatorship
"cheat" - Temur Cheat

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