Welcome to my cube!
The cube environment is Vintage legao cards with a few cards not included due to being to powerful or me simply disliking them.
The goal of the cube is to have a "vintage-light" feeling. But what does "vintage-light" mean? Firstly, games should feel very close to constructed high power magic. The median CMC of spells is rather low and the draftable "archetypes" are supposed to be close in spirit to constructed decks. However, not every draftable deck is related to a vintage or legacy deck.
A big focus on my cube is the large amout of fixing with double fetchlands, double shocklands and singleton duals in addition to the full triome cycle. Decks are able to play 3+ colors, but two or even mono colored decks are playable as well.
Another aspect of my cube is the large amount of fast mana. Moxen, Manacrypt, Mana Vault, Grim Monolith, City of Traitors and Ancient Tomb are all very powerful cards and can warp games. The colorless-rocks are supposed to counteract the greedyness of the drafters. 4c decks will play a ton of 2 color cards which have low CMCs. Colorless ramp is suprisingly bad in such decks. This leads to a lot of "big decks", which can can reliably bank on geeting some powerful rocks and have to trim down on colors.
What are the general gameplans that color combinations are typically doing in this cube? I will list a few:
W: Taxes
U: Urza/Emry Artifacts
B: Graveyard, Aggro, Reanimator
R: Burn, Prison
G: Prison, Lands
WU: Control, Tempo
WB: Taxes
WR: Winota, Aggro
WG: Taxes, Toolbox
UB: Reanimator, Control, Storm
UR: Tempo, Control
UG: Ramp, Combo
BR: Aggro
BG: Midrange
RG: Stompy, Prison
A few of my favourite decks that I have drafted in this cube:
Key cards: Wilderness Reclamation, Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Nexus of Fate, Wandering Emperor
Key cards: Mana Vault, Life from the Loam, Ensnaring Bridge, Strip Mine, Boseiju
Key cards: Goblin Rabblemaster, City of Traitors, Simian Spirit Guide
Key cards: Seasoned Pyromancer, Kroxa, Lingering Souls, Stoneforge Mystic, Cabal Therapy
Key cards: High Tide, Timespiral, Fastbond, Mind's Desire
Key cards: Birthing Pod, Kiki-Jiki, Pestermite, Felidar Guardian, Eternal Witness, Chord of Calling
Key cards: Winota, Pia and Kiran Naalar, Eskita's Chariot