(379 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Mike BurnsArt by Mike Burns
379 Card Silver-bordered Multiplayer Unpowered Cube3 followers
Designed by GopherChucks
Mana Pool$133.22

Lets go UN-CUBE!
Unhinged, Unstable, Unglued, Unfinity, and Unsanctioned all wrapped up into a cohesive cube. Focused on Unstable mechanics, I have had to duplicate card additions to make for a well-rounded play experience and even added black bordered cards to fill in needed effects. Trust me, it is a perfect ratio in drafting.

Its a nice, low stakes gaming experience that is really fun when you are more interested in drinking and talking with friends, and I much prefer this as a 4-person commander cube.


  • full set of contraptions is shuffled and put in the center of table. Anybody drawing a contraption draws from this pile.
  • Squirrel Lands are first provided for the player who drafts the most squirrels in his/her/their deck.
Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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