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Fantasy Cube
(1564 Card Cube)
Fantasy Cube
Cube ID
Art by Alayna DannerArt by Alayna Danner
1564 Card Commander Vintage Cube6 followers
Designed by Velrun
Mana Pool$8689.69

Collect more cards in Hall of Fame than your opponents to win the tournament!

3-player tournament
At the start of the tournament, each player gains

  • Sealed pool of 6 random lands and 60 random spells

All games are 1 vs. 1 games with 40 cards decks. Two players are playing against each other while the third player is spectating and/or upgrading their deck. The format is King of the Hill (The winner keeps playing)

Whenever a player loses a game, they must ban a card from the winner's deck. The banned card is moved into Hall of Fame as a victory point. At the end of the tournament, the winner of the tournament is the player with the most victory points in Hall of Fame. The owner of the banned card gains a Blasted Landscape to replace the banned card in the deck.

The losing player becomes the spectater and can now upgrade their deck. They gain 7 random new spells and 2 random new lands to add to their card pool.

Special mulligan rule:
Players begin the games with 8 cards in hand, then puts one of those cards on the bottom of their library. After first mulligan, player draws 8 cards and puts two of those cards on bottom. Etc.

Here follows a section with links to the rest of the cube


Nonbasic lands:

Basic lands:!

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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