Pauper Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Pauper Cube
Cube ID
Art by Daniel LjunggrenArt by Daniel Ljunggren
450 Card Pauper Cube0 followers
Designed by Flarezium
Mana Pool$137.11

Pauper cube. Any cards legal or banned in pauper are acceptable even if they don't have a common printing in paper.

Common archetypes for each color pair:
w-u: Blink, Control, Midrange
w-b: Aristocrats, Midrange
w-r: Aggro, Tokens
w-g: Midrange, Blink
u-b: Control, Ninjas
u-r: Spellslinger, Control
u-g: Midrange
b-r: Aristocrats, Control
b-g: Aristocrats, Midrange
r-g: Aggro, Midrange, Ramp

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Without madness or many graveyard synergies, discarding cards is a significant cost. Jade Avenger buffs itself without having to discard. It blocks as a 4/4 and is difficult to block in the early game.

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