The Mystical Multiplayer Uncube
(460 Card Cube)
The Mystical Multiplayer Uncube
Cube ID
Art by Edward P. Beard, Jr.Art by Edward P. Beard, Jr.
460 Card Silver-bordered Unpowered Multiplayer Vintage Cube8 followers
Designed by Hellopikachu9
Mana Pool$633.26

A cube designed with free-for-all in mind. Built to fit together with the archetypes from Unstable. Probably unbalanced, but always a blast to play.

The cube focuses around the 10 two color archetypes:

WU, Blink/Fliers/Artifacts matter
UB, Stealing stuff/Contraptions
BR, Graveyard shenanigans/Contraptions
RG, Goblins/Contraptions
WG, Host-Augment
UR, Spellslinger/Wordy
BG, Tokens/Squirrels
WB, Knights/Dungeons
WR, Metalcraft
UG, Snow/Dice

Each two color pairing has 3 duals, 1 mana rock, and 3 'signpost' gold cards to help guide players into the archetype, though I have had players build decks mixing things up to great success.

The end all goal of this cube is fun through chaos and cooperation, as the goal is a multiplayer free-for-all experience the cube includes several cards (like hangman and B-I-N-G-O) that allow players to interact with each other in-between turns so they don't spend an eternity doing nothing over longer turn cycles. The chaos of this cube comes out in just how many things can be going on at once, one player might have a small pile of contraptions up and running while another scours a dungeon to reap rewards and off in another corner someone is amassing an army of squirrels. This helps keep games interesting as no two games really end up playing the same.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
Mitchell Malloy
Alveric -

Is the boo for Shadowspear or because I am betraying my values (good classic cards) and cutting Phyrexian Revoker after giving you light grief.

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