Rage Against the Machine
(94 Card Cube)
Rage Against the Machine
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
94 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by DukeOfBeans
Mana Pool$292.73

A cube based on the shower thought "what if (New) Phyrexia invaded Innistrad"?

I don't want to limit myself only to those planes, so I am thinking more along the lines of -1/-1 versus +1/+1. This can either be through counters, or continuous effects. Proliferate will likely play a strong role, either to buff your creatures' +1/+1s or shrink them with -1/-1. Toxic is on my "strong maybe" board, with infect less likely. Wither seems like an easy include, for what few good cards there is.

Alliteratively, it might be title "Man Vs Machine".

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