Jumpstart cube focused primarily on iconic, simple, powerful, fast cards. Inspired by Andy Mangold's Bun Magic Cube and my own love of quick, decision-heavy, fair games. Ideal cards for this cube are lenticular designs that have seen play in competitive formats or high power cubes. I try to mostly spend "complexity points" here on well-known cards like Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Goblin Rabblemaster. I often use this cube to teach people the game. <3
The current iteration of the cube contains two half-decks for each monocolor, and one half-deck for each two-color pairing.
I use a "singleton threats" rule for this cube, so I'll break singleton for lands and for glue spells like Mana Leak, but creatures and planeswalkers are all unique.
sicko module just not worth including here now that some people have heard of this cube lol. cube is perfectly good without it and I don't care about testing it. if you're gonna build your own pushstart you don't need it, pushstart is already gas.