Profoundly Peasant Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Profoundly Peasant Cube
Cube ID
Art by Sam BurleyArt by Sam Burley
360 Card Peasant Cube19 followers
Designed by Thetrufflehunter
Mana Pool$244.21

Established in 2020 as a fork of another cube, with slightly different philosophies.

At it's core, the Profoundly Peasant Cube is combat-based magic. The cards are powerful and synergistc, but most games will come down to attacking and blocking. As with most pauper and peasant environments, this cube is very much a nekrataals-and-mulldrifters game. I've aimed to pack this cube with mechanical synergy that is predominantly (but not fully) based in each of the two color pairs. I'll outline all of those (and some bonus archetypes) below, but many of these will feel familiar if you've played retail limited. Most decks in this environment usually end up as 2 colors or 2 with a splash, with plentiful fixing lands (all of which enter tapped).


While close to it, this is not a power-maxed peasant cube. There are a few key exclusions that I've found to be invalidating to play experience, and so they've been removed.

  • Monarch and the initiative. These mechanics are both unfun and way too broken for what I'm doing here. No thanks.
  • Some silly commander cards. Gut, True Soul Zealot is an absurd magic card, and I'm not even sure if it's going in my eternal cube.
  • Some cards that probably shouldn't have been printed at uncommon but WotC didn't know better at the time. Sorry Mana Drain, Sol Ring, and recently Goblin Bombardment.
  • 2 card combos. You'll see some 3 card combos, but nothing goes infinite with just 2. I'll also use this as a chance to say that Scurry Oak is not a combo piece in this environment.
  • Energy support. Amped Raptor is just a dude on his own.

For the most part, this cube is the greatest hits of Magic's commons and uncommons. The top of the power bracket here is defined by efficient mana advantage. While there are some powerful threats like Mother of Runes, Curse of Predation, and Reanimate, there are also powerful answers like Swords to Plowshares and Arms of Hadar.


In many ways, this cube exists because I wanted to play blink cards. If you've ever fallen in love with spinning your wheels in Magic: the Gathering, you can do that right here. You might even (eventually) win games!

ub - "Tempo"

I'm not going to debate what "tempo" actually means in magic, that's why it's in quotes. This is an archetype that rewards you for playing efficient and disruptive threats, answers, and a little card draw to hold everything together.

br - Aristocrats

Make little dudes. Sacrifice little dudes. Ponder the consequences of your actions.

rg - Stompy

While this cube doesn't pack as much ramp as you might expect, there's still definitely enough to get ahead on curve and play some rate monsters backed up with removal spells to clear the way.

wg - Tokens

Go as wide as possible, clown on people who think their 1-for-1 removal is good enough.

wb - Value Reanimator

Grind people out with recursive threats. Ever play your 5th ravenous chupacabra? It's sweet.

bg - +1/+1 Counters

For all intents and purposes, this is The Rock. Juice the rock a little further by getting some extra value with counters synergy, and beat your opponent down with some big bois.

ug - Cookies

Generate value with a flood of trinket artifacts, then suit them up into attackers. Want to get extra spicy? Animate some indestructible artifact lands!

ur - Spellslinger

Just cast so many spells. Just like so many. It's why you play cube, right?

wr - Aggro

Put together the lowest curve you can, turn some guys sideways, generate card advantage when your opponent dies with cards in hand. Magic as Richard Garfield intended.


These range from "I tried my best to support this" to "if you squint you could probably pull this together". It's up to you to decide where these fall on that spectrum, but I figured they're worth calling out.


This is not grapeshot storm, this is Empty the Warrens/Ignite Memories storm. That means you're only trying to storm for like... 5. When drafting this deck, don't forget that Snap can untap bouncelands for additional mana!


This deck is base gruul, but will regularly span across all non-blue colors to find pieces. There are 4 persisters in here (Murderous Redcap/Kitchen Finks/Putrid Goblin/Lesser Masticore), a good number of counter-adders (some in g, some in gw, some in gr), and some sacrifice outlets all over the place. You can also go the pauper all-star Moggwarts route to combo with First Day of Class and Skirk Prospector.


Turbo reanimator is (obviously) black-based, but can reasonably pair with sort of whatever you'd like. Look for threats that put themselves in the graveyard like Colossal Skyturtle or use discard abilities to bin your Artisan of Kozilek.


Yeah this one is pretty loose to be honest. There sure are a bunch of goblins, and then Battle Cry Goblin and Gempalm Incinerator to tie the room together.


Look for Sharae of Numbing Depths and things that tap creatures down. That's it!

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