Cloned from Precon Cube 2.2 “Rathi Overlay”
Cloned from Precon Cube 2.1 “Rathi Overlay”
The inspiration for this project was to try to combine the ideas and strategies of some of the old preconstructed theme decks I like into a cube environment. After some experimentation and finding overlap between different decks I’ve also ended up with a supplemental “Rathi Overlap” theme giving the cube an extra storytelling element. Broadly, the blue and black cards are skewed towards Tempest block, while the Invasion cards are centred on green.
I suspect my fixing would be considered pretty weak for cube standards. But as I’m using a Tempest to Apocalypse card pool, and am taking inspiration from theme decks (which often exclusively used basics) this felt appropriate. The nonbasics are a mix of Invasion taplands and Planeshift lairs, weighted towards UB and RG/WG/RGW to match the narrative.
I am pretty happy with version 2.2 of this cube, which was a tight 360 card singleton (other than the non-basics). However, I'd like to experiment with going up to 450 (an extra 6 "boosters" for some variation) by bringing back some multiples of key cards for certain archetypes. This obviously will bring back some of the consistency too. Whether the balance between those aims makes it worth it... well, we'll see.