This cube is compiled from my trophy decks. After a certain critical mass, the card pool was decreased/culled for playables but the ratios of colors within that card pool was maintained to a certain degree. As the trophy decks were pulled from formats as varied as retail sets to cube environments, the power level is varied greatly. This means that the draft has a built-in 'I pulled a bomb' feeling, as you can have in the same pack a very mediocre 3 drop and a top 20 vintage cube playabe, eg OKO vs. Bird admirer.
The gameplay has been quite midrangey. There are good aggro and control decks viable.
House Rules:
-Learn cards automatically add 1 copy of Mythic Lesson to sideboard, at the cost of not picking a card out of the next pack. Similarly, Wrench-Rigger automatically adds Goblin Slingshot at the cost of not picking a card out of the next Pack(player may look at pack, then pass it without selecting a card to add to their draft pool). Goblin slingshot is not in the draft pool.
-Icehide Troll - player who drafted Icehide troll may add freely a quantity of basic snow-covered lands to their pool.
Changes to Season 3: larger card pool, Green bumped in power rankings with a mana ramp package, but poor 3 drops. BLue likely the worst color, White likely the Best.
RB sac viable. More support for UR spells and R goblins. Red's cards a mixture of synergy and power level.
More lands - 21 % of the cards are lands. By comparison, Vintage Cube MODO is 15% lands. Full fetchable land cycle with triomes, snow duals, shocks and OG duals. This can mean that you can be short playables if you take lands as early as you might in other cube formats.