Ponder Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Ponder Cube
Cube ID
Art by Dan Murayama ScottArt by Dan Murayama Scott
360 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube0 followers
Designed by sebastianmarkow

"Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

Ponder Cube

Salut I'm Sebastian, this is my paper cube. I love Dan Scott's Ponder artwork, I do ponder a lot, hence this cube's name. It aims to be a more casual outlet for playing competitive patterns that reflect current and past non-combo play in constructed formats - mainly Modern and to some extend Legacy.


The cube is drafted primarily with 2, 4, or 8 players with a deck size of 40 cards. At its heart, there's a small focused card pool of 360 cards which yields consistent decks when drafted at a lower player count.

Player CountDraft FormatPacksCogwork Librarian in Pool
2 or 3Winchester-No
4Burn6 packs of 15 cards, burn last 5 cards of each packYes
8Booster3 packs of 15 cardsYes

In 4 or 8 player drafts, players start with a copy of Cogwork Librarian in their draft pool to enable more synergistic decks and boost strategies reliant on Affinity/Improvise in the absence of Artifact Lands, or to simply discard them as draft burn fooder.

ColorsArchetypeHighlighted Cards
rg (RG) / rw (RW)Aggro / Haste
u (Ux)Artifacts / Affinity
ur (URx)Tempo / Delirium
ub (UBx)Control
wb (WBx)Tax / Reanimator
gb (GB)Graveyard Value
g (Gx)Lands / Landfall
rgwu (RGWUx)4c / 5c Domain

Card Selection ⚠️ Restrictions
  • Baltimore Singleton - only one copy of each card except fixing lands, 3 of each Fetchland and 2 of each Shockland to support 3+ color decks and delirium/shuffle/life-loss/sacrifice synergies
  • Companion keyword is treated as blank (e.g. Lurrus of the Dream-Den can't be put in hand from outside the game)

βœ… Notable inclusions
  • Includes cards banned in Modern and/or Legacy, which IMHO are less of a problem in singleton formats given enough density of spot removal
  • Includes cards that snowball or put a hard clock on games, which encourage drafting enough efficient creature removal (these are still subject to exclusion at some point).
  • Includes a rotating pool of stronger recently released cards into Standard that support at least one archetype to keep the cube fresh
  • ...and some non-competitive or fringe pet cards.

πŸ›‘ Notable exclusions
  • No Mental Misstep, since it is an auto include in most decks
  • No hard locks or prison effects that are difficult to interact with (e.g. non-creature)
  • No fast mana or cost ignorer that lead to skewed explosive starts
  • No cards that only hate on colors
  • No cards that let you Venture into a dungeon, get The Initiative, or become The Monarch
  • No Power Nine, OG duals, and no cards from the reserved list
  • No silver-bordered cards or legacy legal cards only printed in UNsets
  • No Universes Beyond cards except the LTR release, regardless of their prevalence in Modern or Legacy


I try to go for old frame, foils, or special versions - such as judge foils, tournament promos, remastered retro foils, or secret lairs - from artists I enjoy when replacing cards (e.g. Rebecca Guay or Magali Villeneuve). For cards with none-evergreen keywords I sometimes opt for the regular version if it includes the rule text.

All basics are Rebecca Guay retro foils.

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