Polly's 450 Legacy / Vintage
(450 Card Cube)
Polly's 450 Legacy / Vintage
Cube ID
Art by Heiko MuellerArt by Heiko Mueller
450 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube92 followers
Designed by Thequeenscat
Mana Pool$8355.52

Welcome to Polly's Vintage list, an unpowered cube that gets played in Denver about every other week. We have a discord, everybody is welcome.
I'm also on reddit, shoot me a PM at /u/The_queens_cat

This is an unpowered no proxy vintage cube. I'm trying to shoot for a balance between 'as powerful as possible' and 'museum of magic' and 'fun', whatever that might be. This is not a MODO clone, though I'm sure there is a ton of overlap. I will never support storm.

Overall, this is mostly goodstuff. There are some archetypes, plus a ton of random combos. This is a non-exhaustive list.

Some archetypes in no particular order:

Reanimator ubr

This tries to use any looter to get cards in the yard, to then cheat them out

There is also a more value version in bg, likely using Recurring Nightmare and Grist, the hunger tide.

Kiki Combo ur

Uses Kiki-Jiki, mirror breaker to make infinite hasty creatures:

Earthcraft combo g

This makes infinite tapped squirrels

Also in g-w you can add

this makes infinite mana to use with your choice of walking ballista or Retrofitter foundry or what have you.
Having w also gives you access to enlightened tutor to find your pieces.

ugr Value Cheat

This deck uses cards like any dork to get some ramp going and does tricky things like

Beatdown wr

Just classic boros aggro. Use one drops to curve out, finish with

Gruul Stompy r-g

Probably one of the best decks in 2024. Curve out, win.

Artifacts cxc

Classic deck. Uses broken lands to ramp out colorless fatties

Also ties into the busted stuff with

Lands gx

This is a bit of a rube Goldberg machine. Classic combos such as

Combine this with cards like

There are so many interesting lands too:

b-w Value

This tries to grind out the game through generically good cards.

Uses cards like

has some minor combos / interactions like

Can use generic value like

Also, Umezawa's Jitte is still a very good card.

brg Goyf Tribal

That's it.


Cards that were in the cube and got cut for being too far above the curve, or just not fun to play against.

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