High power fair peasant list. If you draft a card with learn you can put any 3 common/uncommon lessons in your sideboard and snow basics are in the basic box.
White Weenie
Count to 20 with white cards. Since you don't have face burn you generally want to curve a bit higher (usually topping out at 4), grab some utility lands, and get some equipment so you can still do stuff if the game goes a bit long.
Dork Midrange
Use dorks to accelerate into beefy value dudes. Take dorks before basically everything else, then try get premium-est threats. Gruul and Mono Green are probably the best color combos for dork mid but simic and golgari also work. At 3+ colors dork mid gets kinda untenable because of the tapland manabase
Mulldrifter Value Pile
A pile of 2-for-1 creatures and spot removal; basically just tapout control. It's usually best to go 3 colors for max card quality but 2c is sometimes better because having many taplands is really rough.
Play reasonable value mulldrifters then blink them for value. Kinda like mulldrifter value pile except you get more recurring value in the form of repeatable blink but have to play some low-floor synergy cards to do so.
Play cantrips and efficient instants and sorceries plus cards that say 'spells matter'
Play fodder then sacrifice fodder for value.
Format Banlist
Yellow Set Symbol
Red Set Symbol
White Creatures With Awful Play Patterns :Mother of Runes/Palace Jailer/Guardian of the Guildpact
Obnoxiously powerful and hard to answer inevitability engines: Curse of Disturbance/Curse of Shallow Graves/Curse of Predation
Tier-1 Cheap Interaction: Swords to Plowshares/Flame Slash/Chain Lightning/Lightning Bolt/Vendetta/Snuff out/Unholy Heat/Prismatic Ending/Daze/Force of Will
The various Lightning Strike and Volcanic Hammer variants (playing all of them allowed red aggro to play out as lava spike combo, which was nigh-unbeatable without significant warping to the environment, so they've been replaced with red removal that can't go face)
Aggro Hosers: Wall of Omens/Wall of Blossoms/Hard Evidence
Fire Covenant. Good Car
Random Busted Stuff That Happens To Have Technically Been Printed At Uncommon: Sensei's divining top/Skullclamp/Sol Ring, etc.