Pit's Type 4 Stack
(400 Card Cube)
Pit's Type 4 Stack
Cube ID
Art by Richard ThomasArt by Richard Thomas
400 Card Powered Vintage Cube7 followers
Designed by PitOChats
Mana Pool$1413.54

400-card Type 4 (limited infinity) Stack.

[Updates discontinued because this cube rarely gets played]

Cards-types breakdown :

  • 100x Counter (labelled as blue here)
  • 100x Removal - 50% at instant speed (labelled as black here)
  • 100x Utility (labelled as red here)
  • 100x Threat (labelled as green here)


  • You have access to an infinite quantity of mana of any kind at all times.

  • You can use that mana to cast only one spell on each turn.

  • If you manage to cast a spell by generating actual mana, that spell doesn't count as your spell for the turn.

  • Any card cast through an alternative cost (ie outside of the usual casting cost in the top-right corner of the card) will not count as your spell for the turn.

  • If there is an endless loop of activated abilities, the "defensive ability" wins out. This is usually interpreted as the ability that responded to an opponent's initial activation.

  • Players start with a 5 card hand. Maximum hand size is still 7.

  • Your deck consists of every card you draft.

  • Draft packs are usually 4 packs of 11 cards. When down to a pick of the last two cards of any given pack, select one to include in your deck and put the other face-down in a collective "trash" pile. The trash pile can only be seen after all games have completed.

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