Welcome to my Pioneer Cube! This cube is based on the MTGO Pioneer cube that debuted around Strixhaven I believe. I took that list as a base and configured it to my liking and have updated it based on recent set releases. The only rule I have with this cube is that every card is pioneer legal, so if a card gets banned in pioneer it is no longer viable in the cube.
Why Pioneer?
I wanted to make a cube for a while but the prospect of having moxen and dual lands was intimidating and unfeasible to actually own. I toyed around with the idea of a pauper/peasant cube, but I did not enjoy the underpowered environment. Pioneer was already my favorite constructed format from gameplay and price perspectives so when the MTGO cube debuted I knew that's what I wanted to make. The game play is powerful and fun, but there are no broken combos or fast mana. The games still feel like games of limited, but on a higher power level.
Archetypes: There are 10 main archetypes in the cube based around the 10 2-color pairs
Azorius: UW is a creature light control deck. There are not really any big finishing creatures in blue white. The plan is to gain value with defensive speed creatures and wipe board, winning through card advantage and planeswalkers.
Dimir: My personal favorite archetype, I refer to this on as 'Mr. Steal your girl'. UB is also a control deck, but it uses steal and destroy effects to great use. Dragonlord silumgar is the poster child of this deck. Control the board and counter spells until you can land threats that steal your opponents threats to beat them at their own game.
Rakdos: BR is a recursive aggro deck that looks to beat the opponent down and fight through any and all removal. Hit 'em fast and hit 'em hard, and when your opponent wipes the board your recursive threats don't stop coming. Use the graveyard to your advantage in this archetype
Gruul: RG is full of your favorite hard hitting monsters. Ramp up or go fast, either way you'll be turning creatures sideways and sending burn spells to the face with deck. What more is there to say.
Selesnya: GW wants to go wide and swing hard with token production. Once you've got your tokens out, slam down a few anthem effects and watch your little tokens dominate the board state. Back them up with planeswalkers and protection and your army won't be stopped.
Orzhov: WB is a tap out control deck. Make your opponents discard and destroy all they have to their name, and laugh while you beat down with a pack rat or kunoros as they sit there helplessly watching everything they own get destroyed.
Izzet: UR in classic fashion is spells matters. Load up on cantrips and burn spells and benefit from every spell you cast. Grow your crackling drake and sprite dragons into game ending threats, while amassing unstoppable card advantage.
Golgari: BG wants you to throw everything into the yard. Flip your deck into the yard and bring all your creatures back! Set up delirium for some powerful effects, or maybe you'll find the reanimator package here and swing with a 11/11 on T4.
Boros: WR is doing what WR does best. Swing hard and swing wide. Once the teams out, drop some anthems to get lethal swings, or send the burn spells upstairs while your opponent complains about top deck boros charms.
Simic: UG wants to get big and get there fast. Slow down the game while you ramp up your lands/mana to cast threats way ahead of the curve. Only 1 land per turn? Never heard that rule before, anyways here's my T5 Koma thank you very much.
4/5 Color: A 4/5 color deck does exist if you can pull it off. Niv, Parun + Golos + Omnath make some good reasons to draft dual lands highly and splash around. When this deck comes together its a house, but sometimes you're the jokester sitting there saying "if only I could find some green mana, then you'd be in trouble"
Anyways, I've put a lot of effort into tuning and changing this cube. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear any comments/feedback that you have.
Have a great day!