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Odyssey block remastered cube
(406 Card Cube)
Odyssey block remastered cube
Cube ID
Art by Anthony S. WatersArt by Anthony S. Waters
406 Card Set Cube2 followers
Designed by Bruno55
Mana Pool$227.52

Odyssey block remastered cube

C 2 x 120
U 1 x 72
R 1 x 70 - (treat Overrun as R)
24 lands - (19) + artifact eggs (5)

Here's the method I developed to reset the cube into 24 packs:

Separate all cards by rarity, with nonbasic lands in a separate pile.
Separate commons by color and put the two copies of each next to each other.
Deal out this sorted stack of commons into 6 stacks of 40, switching the order of the deal as you go.
Shuffle each stack of 40, then deal out 4 packs of 10 from each stack. This results in packs with no duplicates & a slightly de-varianced color balance from shuffling up the full 240 commons.
Shuffle all of the uncommons and deal 3 onto each pack.
Shuffle all of the rares and deal 1 onto each pack.
Shuffle all of the nonbasic lands/artifact eggs and deal 1 onto each pack.

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