Peasant's Grave (discard / graveyard cube)
(482 Card Cube)
Peasant's Grave (discard / graveyard cube)
Art by Anthony S. WatersArt by Anthony S. Waters
482 Card Peasant Budget Legacy Cube17 followers
Designed by lightbulb
Mana Pool$466.38
πŸ’€ Peasant's Grave πŸ’€

Peasant+ | ~500 Cards (trying to get back to ~400) | Graveyard-themed
A conspicuously synergistic discard and graveyard-based cube.

  • PEASANT+: The cube is Peasant with rare lands and the occasional rare nonland that fits the power level. Either way, it's pretty cheap as long as you proxy the lands.
  • DINGLETON: Given the very specific theme of the cube, there's two of each card to increase reliability. Having two of each also makes the draft a bit easier to handle for people unfamiliar with the cards.
  • ALL GRAVEYARD, ALL THE TIME: Almost all cards in the cube somehow relate to the graveyard. Typically narrow build-around-mes often become might-as-well-include-mes here. Several graveyard/discard-based enablers and pay-offs are seeded throughout the different colors, and are meant to blend into each other almost seamlessly.
  • NO STRICT ARCHETYPES: Having these broad themes present in as many colors as possible allows for more flexibility and freedom when combining colors, themes and cards. Some cool decks you might see are Selesnya Reanimator, Boros Madness, Temur Retrace, Izzet Looting and Azorius Secrets of the Dead.
  • CUTE COMBOS AND NO TIME TO DURDLE: Cute little combos come up all the time during matches – but while games can go long and grindy, cards like Wild Mongrel and Seasoned Hallowblade will put on a lot of pressure. Assembling a game-winning value engine isn't hard to do, but actually getting there is.
  • CUSTOM CARDS: The cube features some to enable certain archetypes (currently playing around with different aggressive hybrid one-drops and multicolor cards for Selesnya, Gruul and Boros).
  • FOUR PLAYERS: I only ever draft with 4 players, so the cube uses a modified Tenchester draft format. This, combined with the dingleton-nature of the cube, usually results in decks that are much more focused and consistent.

  • w WHITE: Recurring creatures, discard outlets, reanimation
  • u BLUE: Self-mill, card draw, cares about spells in the graveyard
  • b BLACK: Self-mill, recurring creatures, madness cards, reanimation, cares about creatures in the graveyard
  • r RED: Discard outlets, madness cards; cares about lands and spells in the graveyard
  • g GREEN: Self-mill, recurring creatures, big creatures; cares about creatures and lands in the graveyard

MAJOR THEMES Big Reanimator wbx

Small Reanimator wbx

Flashback urx

Aggressive Madness rgw

Looting / Value Madness wubr

Spells ur

Land dump rg

Undergrowth gb

There's a lot of space for combining these themes. "Spells" will overlap with Madness, Looting/Cycling or Flashback themes, "Undergrowth" will usually overlap with Madness or Reanimator themes, and so on. Retrace decks, for example, combine Secrets of the Dead-style cards with retrace cards (Flame Jab) and land recursion (Groundskeeper) for the ultimate grindfest.

Color combinations can be also very flexible, as long as you get to see the right cards during a draft. There's very little stopping you from building a gw Reanimator deck, or an aggressive wu Madness deck.

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