Paupered Existence (twobert)
(180 Card Cube)
Paupered Existence (twobert)
Art by Keith ParkinsonArt by Keith Parkinson
180 Card Cube12 followers
Designed by JaySherman
Mana Pool$70.29

This is a 180 cards pauper cube (in the "twobert" style spearheaded by Ryan Overturf) meant to be played between 2 and 4 players relatively experienced with Magic, that might not have cube experience per se.

As for drafting, with 4 players and 3 packs of 15 you see all the cards, so it works the same as an 8 player pod with 360. With 2 players you could do a Grid Draft (with 15 packs of 9) or a Minneapolis Draft as described by Ryan Overturf in his original Twobert article:

Minneapolis Draft is a two-player draft format where both players make
eight packs of seven cards. Each player starts by simultaneously opening
their first pack without showing the contents to the other player,
drafting one card face down, and then trading their first pack with the
other player. Then each player takes two cards from the other player’s
pack and trades back. Finally, players take an additional two cards from
the pack they had opened and the last two cards in each pack are discarded
face-down from the draft. To reiterate, that’s one first pick, two picks
from the other player’s pack, and then two last cards from the pack you
opened before discarding the remaining two cards from the draft. Players
continue this process until all eight of their packs have been drafted.
From here players add any number of basic lands to their deck and play
some 40-card Limited Magic.


Only cards printed at common, and singleton. I really like creatures that double as spells so we have a lot not normally seen in other pauper cubes (e.g. Tuinvale Treefolk, Silverflame Squire) that cover a few roles each.


There are some heavy hitters, "combos" (e.g. blink and Mulldrifter) and engines (e.g. Pulse of Murasa and Archaeomancer) but the power level should be around that of a powerful but synergy-driven retail limited environment.


1v1 traditional games, with grindy gameplay, but both fast aggro and control (lots of removal and counterspells) should be viable. Drafting shouldn't feel on rails.

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