Pauper (also known as ) is a contemporary Vintage Pauper cube that prioritizes power, balance, and diversity without relying on functional or strictly worse reprints.
LegalityOnly cards that Gatherer describes as either explicitly legal or explicitly banned in Pauper Constructed are considered.
Hybrid CardsHybrid cards are identified based on the optional use of color in casting costs, alternative costs, and costs to activate abilities. Cards that survey the basic land types among lands you control are also included. The quantity of hybrid cards is balanced across all 5 colors, while also taking into account cards that could be played in any deck.
SnowAll basic lands used for deck construction are snow-covered.
OwnershipThis list describes all the cards in an existing physical cube comprised of tournament legal paper cards.
PrintingsThe following characteristics are given preference, in order:
Text Elements
Frame Elements
Foiling Elements