Pauper Draft Master Cube [555 cards]
(555 Card Cube)
Pauper Draft Master Cube [555 cards]
Art by Rebecca GuayArt by Rebecca Guay
555 Card Pauper Set Cube6 followers
Designed by BobtheMantis
Mana Pool$310.59
January 30th, 2024 - MKM UPDATE
Welcome to the Pauper Master Draft Cube! Please, if you decide to clone this cube, link the original cube in the description! Introduction

This is a Pauper Cube designed to maximize fun, interaction and value. The goal of the cube is to have highly synergic cards and archetypes, that stretch throughout different colors, leaving the players a chance to be creative during the deckbuilding.

The cube features both staple cards and less known cards. The cube follows the Pauper Ban list, and does not include any banned card.

It is a 540-card cube, which allows up to 12 people to play and draft together, using boosters of 15 cards each.

Some cards are always left in an unpicked card pool, which grants some variability in the draft pool each time.

Since I have always had a passion for multicolor cards, this cube allows players to play even three colors, and it was built to ensure an easy way to splash colors.
None the less, it's easy to draft one or two colors and be very mana-efficient!


The cards in the cube allow to create different archetypes that stretch throught different colors. The cube was built around 3-colors archetypes, without excluding the most iconic pauper decks.

The 3-colors Archetypes of the Cube are:

wub: Hit & Run "We like to enter the battlefield for a reason. We like strategic value. We'll retreat, go back in your hand, and start over."

ubr: Metal Lovers "We like shiny metal objects: look at them, dress in them, transform them, eat them, beat you with them."

brg: Soul Eaters "Some of us like to be sacrificed for a higher purpose. The rest of us KNOW that we ARE the higher purpose"

rgw: Army Leaders "It's not a real game if you don't bring squirrels, birds, spirits, goblins, zombies, soldiers to the table. Don't worry, we took care of that."

gw: Enchanting Presence "Life is an enchanting adventure, don't you think? Are you not charmed by my brilliant auras? Well, then you're rude, and I should just kill you."

rug: High Mana "You can keep your cheap spells. What is life without tons of mana? I'm going to show you something really worth casting. Something big."

ugb: Underworld Secrets "Why disturb the living, when you can delve in the past and use the power of the deads? So much value hidden there."

gbw: Training Masters "We start small, but we grow fast. And we do it together. Can you handle our training program?"

bwr: Corpse Diggers "Oh, I'm sorry, did you mean to stay dead? Don't be silly. Come back and fight again. And again. And again."

wru: Spell Catchers "We like creatures that don't like creatures. What's weird in that? You need some company to look at the fireworks, right?"

The Archetypes in Detail


Hit & Run

So Blink, Bounce, Ephemerate, Flicker, Ninjas and all the Skyfisher decks

Even if the main colors are WUB, all colors in the cube include cards that have ETB effect, making this archetype really easy to splash with red or green.
Using cards in this archetype you can go very close to some very famous staples, such as Boros Synthetizer.

HIT cards have enters-the-battlefield (ETB) effects, granting you card value and powerful effects when they appear.
RUN cards allow you to bounce your own creatures, in order to get that value again.



Metal Lovers

Affinity and its variations

This archetype is all about artifacts: dressing in them, eating them, and beating your opponents with them.

METAL cards are artifacts and cards that produce artifacts.
LOVERS are cards that benefits from a huge amount of shining metal on the battlefield, in your hand, in your graveyard, in your deck, basically anywhere.



Soul Eaters

Aristocrats and Sacrifice

SOUL cards like to be sacrificed for a higher purpose, and they have leaves-the-battlefield (LTB) effects.
EATERS cards consider themselves the higher purpose, and are happy to devour the souls you find for them.



Army Leaders

Aggro-Tokens Plan

ARMY cards allow you to create a bunch of creatures.
LEADER cards thrive on the army you created.



Enchanting Presence


ENCHANTING cards are literally that: enchantments.
PRESENCE cards are those permanents who can't wait for you to play an enchantment.



High Mana

Go-Wide Mana Ramp

HIGH cards are usually very expensive, or are very powerful when you spend a lot of mana for them.
MANA cards are what you need to play them as soon as possible.



Underworld Secrets

Graveyard matters

Underworld cards let you explore the graveyard, filling it with useful cards.
Secret cards usually work better (or again) when in a graveyard.



Training Masters


TRAINING cards puts +1/+1 counters on your creatures, making them stronger.
MASTER cards take advantage of all the counters you placed on the battlefield, making your creatures even more gigantic.



Corpse Diggers


CORPSE cards like to get out of the cemetery on their own, with their methods.
DIGGER cards like to scavenge the graveyard and bring back something to life. Usually the creature your opponent so carefuly killed.



Spell Catchers

Prowess, Blitz and general Spellslinging

SPELL cards are, guess what, spells. More specifically, combat spells, to improve the fighting style of your creatures.
CATCHERS are creatures that would rather see you cast tons of non-creature spells.




This is the official Pauper Cube for LPI, the italian association of volunteers that organizes the Paupergeddons.


I hope you'll enjoy it!
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