parliament fUnkadelic
(180 Card Cube)
parliament fUnkadelic
Art by Milivoj ĆeranArt by Milivoj Ćeran
180 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by FriendlyLocal
Mana Pool$141.27

This is a mini Un-cube (a loose twobert) meant to be drafted with four people. It's very much a work in progress.

wub: Ninjas and Changelings And Spies, Oh My

Pretty much what it says. Encourages sneak attacks, unblockable stuff, and combat tricks, as well as caring about subtypes in general.

ubr: The Ol’ Switcheroo

Identity based around switching things, particularly control of creatures/artifacts, but also life totals, etc.

brg: Just Roll With It

Cards that require rolling of dice. Jund is typically known for value, so I’m making it the colors of chaos here.

rgw: Our Hosts For The Evening

Host/Augment/Mutate creatures.

gwu: Rare Drafting

Cards in these colors will care about things that aren’t in the text - rarity, watermarks, borders, etc.

When you create your deck, you'll have a selection of Attractions to choose from. Pick up to three and put them in a 0-cost pile.

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