Welcome to my Peasant Cube, a fun, powerful, and repeatable draft environment that uses some of the best commons and uncommons in the game. While a lot of the cards in the cube are all-time greats on their own, you'll find that certain cards work with each other to create powerful effects. Part of the fun is figuring those out, deciding which cards to combine, and making a deck that is more than the sum of its parts. But, you don’t have to figure it out on your own! Below is a basic, non-exhaustive list of some of the decks you can draft. There’s also a more detailed explanation of the different decks, and you can even see every card in the cube by clicking here.
Never drafted before? Here's a quick explanation of how draft works.
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Decks You Might Draft:
: Blink / Fliers / Control
: Control / Reanimator
: Sacrifice / Control
: Monsters (Hasty, Aggressive Midrange)
: +1/+1 Counters
: Attrition / Midrange / Control
: Spells / Tempo
: Graveyard Value / Midrange
: Token Aggro / Equipment
: Flash / Ramp
: White Weenie
: Red Deck Wins
Not sure what these words mean? Check out this Glossary or this Explanation of Aggro, Midrange, and Control.
Deck Explanations:
Below you will find a brief explanation of the different decks you might draft along with cards that represent each deck’s gameplan.
UW Blink:
This deck plays a lot of creatures that have an enter the battlefield (ETB) effect and spells to make those creatures leave and come back. This deck uses the extra value (e.g., cards, life, tokens) it gets from rebuying those ETB effects to get ahead and stay ahead.
UW Flyers:
This deck uses cheap flying creatures to attack the opponent’s life total. Flying creatures are hard to block and this deck can kill opponents quickly.
UW Control
This deck is defensive. It wants to stop the opponent from executing their gameplan. It uses defensive creatures, removal spells, counter spells, and even board wipes to take control of the game.
UB Control
Like UW Control, this defensive deck wants to stop the opponent from executing its gameplan. It uses removal spells, creatures that can kill other creatures, counter spells, board wipes, and card draw spells to take control of the game.
UB Reanimator
This “combo” deck puts big, scary monsters into play from its graveyard much sooner than it could do so from its hand. This deck has three main parts: reanimation spells, creatures it wants to reanimate, and draw/discard spells to find the pieces it needs and set up the combo. It wins by attacking with the creature it reanimated.
RB Sacrifice
This deck gets advantages from creatures dying. It can sacrifice its own creatures for a bonus or trade them off in combat. Either way, the death triggers help this deck pull ahead. It is often built aggressively but can sometimes be made controlling.
RB Control
This defensive deck uses black and red’s efficient removal spells to take control of the game before winning with larger creatures.
RG Monsters
This aggressive deck wants to play big, hasty creatures ahead of schedule. It wins by playing a steady stream of creatures that are bigger than the opponent can block.
GW Counters
This deck wants to grow its creatures with +1/+1 counters. Not only does it make its creatures huge, it can give them bonuses (e.g., flying, trample, or other special abilities) for having counters.
WB Attrition
This deck is similar in some ways to RB Sacrifice. The biggest difference is that this deck plays a long game. This deck wants to slowly grind the opponent out with the value it gets from making multiple creatures per card and those creatures dying.
WB Midrange
This deck uses efficient removal and creatures to play a classic midrange game. It can be defensive against more aggressive decks and can be the aggressor against more controlling decks.
WB Control
This defensive deck uses all of white and black’s efficient removal, white’s token makers, black’s card draw spells, and board wipes to take control of the game. Once it has control, it wins with what it has left.
UR Spells
This deck is all about casting instants and sorceries and getting bonuses for doing so. It can be built aggressive, playing cheap draw spells and removal to pump up its creatures and deal lethal damage. It can be built controlling, playing larger, more powerful spells while getting a bonus each time. This deck is a fan favorite.
UR Tempo
This “tempo” deck wants to play an efficient creature or two and then stop the opponent from blocking or killing its creatures. It does this with counter spells and “bounce” spells. It wants to disrupt the opponent just long enough to deal lethal damage.
GB Graveyard Value
This deck plays a longer game. It gets an advantage over the opponent by getting its creatures back from the graveyard. It wins by out valuing the opponent.
GB Midrange
This deck uses efficient removal and creatures to play a classic midrange game. It can be defensive against more aggressive decks and can be the aggressor against more controlling decks. It also uses green and black’s ability to get cards back from the graveyard to get an advantage.
RW Token Aggro
This aggressive deck makes a lot of token creatures and wins by attacking through and around the opponent's defenses. It uses spells and creature abilities to pump up its smaller creatures and quickly deal lots of damage.
RW Equipment
This aggressive deck uses equipment to turn its smaller creatures into bigger threats. It can with with lots of small creatures but it can also “suit up” one creature to make a large threat.
UG Flash / Control
This reactive deck wants to play on its opponent's turn. It uses instant-speed spells (e.g., card draw, counter spells, and creatures with flash) to always have something to do on the opponent’s turn. This deck wins by leveraging that flexibility and the information advantage it gets from making the opponent act first.
UG Ramp
This deck wants to get a mana advantage. It does so with “ramp” spells and creatures that make mana. It wins by playing large creatures and spells ahead of schedule. It also get bonuses for playing extra lands.
White Weenie
This aggressive mono-colored deck wants to overwhelm the opponent with multiple small creatures. It gives up the flexibility offered by playing two or more colors to ensure that it can always cast its creatures on turn 1, 2, and 3. It wins by attacking through and around the opponent’s defenses.
Red Deck Wins
Like White Weenie, this aggressive mono-colored deck wants to overwhelm the opponent with multiple small creatures. It gets slightly smaller creatures than white, but also gets access to red’s efficient “burn” spells that can kill opposing creatures and directly damage the opponent. This deck wins by clearing the way for its creatures and/or killing the opponent with direct damage spells.