This is a Pauper Cube for 2-4 Players.
This Cube is meant to introduce my friends to Magic, while having some of my favorite cards in it (For example the cards Aven Riftwatcher, Arcbound Worker and Slagworm Armor have sentimental value for me). I was (obviously) inspired by thepaupercube and by 6351705c-9126-4979-af69-e0f27fd0cbf6 (Color Pie Pauper 180+ by ipakers). Although this Cube differs a lot from both.
It has mini-themes, like Rebels, Cats, Elves, Faeries and Rats
This is a cut down version of a ~250 card cube. You'll see the other cards in the maybeboard.
Have fun!
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
(contact me on discord: ottolulau)