Welcome to the Outlaws of Thunder Junction set cube! I wanted to make this cube as I really enjoyed the draft format of OTJ and the raised power level with the bonus sheets as well as the dual signpost uncommons made this a very unique and fun limited environment.
Draft Archetypes
Blue-White Draw/Go
A controlling deck focused on passing the turn without casting spells.
Blue-Black Crime Control
Another blue-based controlling deck, but this time it utilized the myriad of black, targeted removal spells to generate advantage and pressure by committing crimes.
Black-Red Outlaw Beatdown
An aggressive beatdown deck that focuses on utilizing the outlaw subtype for it's synergies and generating mercenary tokens to both quicken the clock on your opponent as well as using them for fodder with cards like corrupted conviction.
Red-Green 4 Power Matters
A midrange deck that aims to beat it's opponent down with low cost, high powered creatures.
Green-White Saddles/Mounts
A midrange deck focused on killing your opponent with a litany of mounts and vehicles.
White-Black Token Exploitation
A midrange value deck aiming to create tokens (mainly mercenary tokens) and sacrifice them for value.
Blue-Red Double Spelling
A control deck that tries to cast at least two spells per turn, be them cheap spells or plotted spells.
Black-Green Self-Mill/Recursion
A midrange graveyard-matters deck that wants to take advantage of it's graveyard to out value it's opponent.
White-Red Mercenary Aggro
An aggressive deck that's goal is to make as many mercenary tokens as possible and then pump them up to kill their opponent quickly.
Blue-Green Plot
A midrange ramp deck that's focused on plotting spells from its hand.
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