If you are looking for power nine, this ain’t it. Simple mechanics, iconic cards, and a low power level. Cards scraping on the asphalt at recess. Meant to be accessible to beginners, but still have some quirky interactions and different paths to victory.
Very interested in feedback, this is my first cube. Note: there is a “90” tag for 2 player draft that worked well for quick games, but was too predictable. We've since been taking the cube and breaking it in half randomly, with trading allowed, for a kind of sealed play where we each have our own card pool. We might shuffle and start over every month or two. All games are best of three, 40 cards with a sideboard of 20, with any extra cards out of bounds until the match is done.
White is very defensive + weenies, slows other down and wipes the board.
Blue is mainly steal and counter, with a bit of flying.
Black is graveyard, sacrifice.
Green is basic ramp / stamp.
Red is direct damage / destruction.