Old Border Cube - 360
(360 Card Cube)
Old Border Cube - 360
Cube ID
Art by Ron SpearsArt by Ron Spears
360 Card Powered Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by TwoTwoBear
Mana Pool$10140.07

This cube aims to create a high power and fun cube environment using only cards printed in the 93/97 old/retro border style.

The project was in part triggered by the influx of new to old border printings such as the enemy fetch lands and Ravnica signets.

The current list is being assembled in paper and will be hopefully improved through playtesting.

Aim to include elegant cards and avoid keywords without an on card explanation, or more modern treasure / food / energy type mechanics. Ideally reading the card should explain the card.

Archetypes by colour:
White - blink / weenie / enchantments
Blue - artifacts / control / turns
Black - zombies / reanimatior
Red - combo / burn / goblins / aggro
Green - elves / ramp / tokens

Multicolour archetypes:
Azorius: White/Blue - blink, control
Boros: Red/White - wide aggro
Dimir: Blue/Black - artifact, discard
Golgari: Black/Green - lands, tokens, reanimator
Gruul: Red/Green - land destruction, lands, aggro
Izzet: Blue/Red - spells matter, artifacts
Orzhov: White/Black - graveyard value
Rakdos: Black/Red - reanimator, sacrifice
Selesnya: White/Green - enchantments, go wide
Simic: Blue/Green - ramp, control

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